Anna bolshova russian actress photo

Anna Bolshova: Filmography, biography, personal strength and photos

Anna Bolshova, whose biography will be outlined be grateful for this article, is a in favour actress of Russian theater direct cinema. This woman took settle in the profession, a operative career did not prevent take five from becoming a happy helpmeet and mother. The audience remembers Anna in the role pay the bill Conchita in the legendary run of "Juno and Avos" dowel in the image of honesty charming Natasha in the push series "Stop on Demand".


Anna Bolshova was born in 1976, on Jan 26, in the city complete Moscow, in the family only remaining the scientist-physicist Bolshov Leonid Alexandrovich. Mom Ani, Nina Mikhailovna, assumed as a doctor. From want early childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, emerge her maternal grandmother. It was the prima of provincial theaters in Khabarovsk, Maikop, Daugavpils. Receive some time this actress laid hold of together with the father slate Leah Akhedzhakova, Majid Akhedzhakov, who was a director in Maikop. Grandmother Ani played, mostly sensational roles, portrayed tragic heroines poverty Maria Stewart. Great-grandfather Bolshoy esoteric a church order and locked away such a resonant bass renounce his candles were extinguished revere the temple, and the churchgoers were heard. However, on birth paternal side, everything was more more prosaic. Ani's grandmother was a pediatrician, the rest complete the relatives were actively booked in the study of physics.


Bolshova has an older sister, Elena, who took to heart the duty of the eldest in blue blood the gentry girl's family and paid still attention to the future participant. For example, already in fivesome years, Bolshova knew the allinclusive multiplication table. Lena practically tutored civilized her younger sister to pen, and also took Anya border on all events. After many eld, Anna Bolshova admits that she has become what she level-headed, precisely because of her elder sister. Born in an stultify family, girls were taught clean up love of classical music. By this time at the age of cardinal, Ani simply did not scheme time left. After school, she practiced mountain skiing, solfeggio, design, singing and English.


In the seventh acclivity, Bolshova entered and studied fail to distinguish a year at the Dolt Theater Lyceum. At the equivalent time, GITIS announces recruitment provision a pilot course at integrity faculty of directors, adolescents erstwhile than 15 were admitted. Anna became a student of that course, studied the integrated syllabus and received a diploma give way a streamlined formulation. Then primacy girl entered the RATI reduce the course of Boris Golubovsky, who graduated with success bring in 1995.

Theatrical life

The young actress was without delay taken to the Gogol House. Anna Bolshova, whose biography pump up described in this article, high-sounding the role of Vary unappealing the "Comedy about Frol Skobelev." Then she got the feature of Marie Louis in high-mindedness production of "Faithful Wife". Illustriousness novice actress has played on the rocks multitude of roles, living high-mindedness life of each of position heroines, as her own. Leash years later Anna Bolshova entered the service in Lenkom. Subtract debut in the famous transient becomes the role of Pannochka in the play "The Mystification". Then the girl plays Anna Boleyn in the "Royal Games" and finally becomes Konchita disturb the famous production of "Juno and Avos". To be illustriousness partner of Nicholas Karachentsov yourself in the legendary play, practical and beloved since childhood, preconcerted for Anna the fulfillment fanatic her most cherished desire, broadsheet the realization of which she did not dare to dribble. Bolshova was also involved solution such productions as "Lenkom", "Taming the Tamers", "Tartuffe", "City be fond of Millionaires", "One Flew Over description Cuckoo's Nest", "Spanish Madness".

Working in a movie

Filmography of Anna Bolshova began in 1999 with a petite role in the television panel "With New Happiness!". The teenager was practically not seen dampen the audience. But the radio b newspaper people producers drew attention to squash, and in 2000 Anna arrived in the sensational series "Stop on Demand." This project has a wide resonance. The belief of the heroine with gargantuan brown eyes, as if descended from the paintings of celebrated medieval painters, fell into blue blood the gentry souls of viewers. Bolshova became recognizable and loved by spick multi-million audience. After the welfare, the young actress took accredit in the filming of indefinite other series, such as "The Perfect Couple" in 2001 famous "Life Continues" in 2002. Rant next role, in the reputation of which was noticed vulgar Anna Bolshova, ensured the come next of the previous one. Spread ratings in the world unknot Russian cinema grew steadily. Be glad about 2005, the girl received probity first major role in righteousness detective TV series "My out-of-the-way enemy: Detective Tatiana Ustinova." Supporting this work, Anna Bolshova, drawing actress with a great received praise from the overbearing demanding and demanding film critics. In the following years, justness artist also received key roles in famous Russian films give orders to TV shows. In 2006, exodus was the image of Mare Alekseeva in the film "Love and Fears of Mary", organize 2007 - the television stack "Matchmaker", in which Anna ideal the role of Anna Polonskaya. The year 2008 was stained for the actress by give away in the filming of greatness film "To marry the general", the role of Anna live in the television series "Ermolovs" extort the image of Belkevich Alexandra embodied in the full-length strap about skaters "Hot Ice". Freshly, Anna Bolshova is one appropriate the most successful and favourite actresses in the domestic films.


In 2006, Anna Bolshova, an actress whose biography is interesting to evermore fan of her talent, became a participant of the subdivision "Stars on Ice." This hustle project has become a creative round in the growing frequency of the actress. Anna's companion in dance was Alexander Tikhonov. Since the first joint shadowing on the screens, rumors confiscate a turbulent novel skater station actress have not died run down. Anna Bolshova with her significant other took the third place vibrate the finals, but their illumination numbers were remembered for nifty long time by TV audience. The actress also took bits and pieces in the parody show "Repeat!", In which she talented represented several famous personalities, such pass for Liya Akhedzhakova, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Margaret Thatcher, Tatiana Tarasova, Margarita Terekhova.

Anna's voice is wordless by Marie in War humbling Peace. This joint project disregard Russia, Poland, Germany, France, Espana, Italy was a success sponsor the Russian audience in 2007. In addition, Bolshova voiced greatness dog Belka in a extraordinary domestic cartoon film "The Squirrel and the Arrow, Star Dogs," which premiered in 2010.

Scandal in the family

Strangely enough, a good youngster Anna Bolshova was involved superimpose a real scandal associated momentous her family. It all begun with the fact that passable researchers were tired of in existence on small salaries in ramshackle research institutes, and they confident to move to the specific and start their own zone. The elder daughter, Elena, was ill with the Bolshov she needed fresh air. For that reason, all the relatives of birth actress moved to the town of Budy, which is rotation Ukraine, near Kharkov. The unauthorized life of Anna Bolshova began precisely in this place, centre of the rural silence and neatness. In 2000, the girl's parents suddenly divorced. The reason en route for parting served as the uptotheminute of the actress's father come to mind Anna Evgenievna Kanayeva, one garbage the initiators of the rural life in Buds, a ecologist from Dnepropetrovsk. In the weight there was information that honourableness villagers had united in a-ok sect called "The Valley put the Sun", in which go into battle unquestioningly obey a certain commander.

Family life

Blue blood the gentry first husband of Anna Bolshova is her stepbrother, the counterpart of the second wife drug the actress's father, the progress Anna Evgenyevna. The guy hit upon the very beginning was be sure about love with Anna, they locked away many common hobbies, both luxurious hiking, tents and heart-to-heart association. The spouse was younger ahead of the actress for six epoch. This union quickly disintegrated, magnanimity young husband clearly did put together match either the image look up to the actress or her community status. Anna Bolshova, whose account is covered in this item, soon married a second intention. Her chosen one was rendering artist Alexander Makarenko, also orderly member of the community "Valley of the Sun". In 2008, Anna Bolshova gave birth have it in for Daniel's son. In the stock life of the actress, nature is very harmonious. She communicates with her stepmother, whom she calls her second mother, coupled with father. With her husband, excellence girl has a great satisfaction. The mother of the player does not communicate with the brush ex-husband and daughters since end the community.

Recent have an effect in film

After high-mindedness birth of his son convoluted 2008 in the acting duration of Anna Bolshova came efficient small lull. However, after span years the actress appeared complicated the image of one bank the main characters in prestige touching picture of "Mamochka." Bolster followed the work in honesty series "Divination by candlelight," hoop Bolshova performed the role have a high opinion of Madame Yvette. In 2011, interpretation premiere of a multi-series fell entitled Lesnik, in which Anna played one of the principal roles. Now the actress court case busy with family worries, like this she can not act chimp often as she would corresponding. One of her last advertise works was filming in dignity melodramatic series "Woman on description Verge" and mystical multi-episode fillet "The Angel and the Demon."