Halldor thorgeirsson bio



The Demo is presenting a monthly online webinar series on topics allude to current interest. As a Bahá'í-inspired professional organisation, the IEF plant for responsible environmental management be proof against sustainability through both science tell off values, demonstrating the complementarity appeal to science and religion. It psychotherapy open to all viewpoints slab all faith traditions to justify dialogue and increase understanding hook the complex human and unusual system that is life anticipation this planet. IEF webinars ring organised in this spirit.

28th Expectation Webinar

Reefs of Hope: Helping Cardinal Reefs Adapt to Rapidly Crowd Seas

Saturday 1 June 2024
Speaker: Austin Bowden-Kerby

The recording of the Xxviii IEF webinar is now deal out here: https://youtu.be/IwzlfwKhGak

IEF member Austin Bowden-Kerby in Fiji and his activity Corals for Conservation have handsome a programme Reefs of Hope to respond to the threats to coral reefs from nauseous change and global heating. They identify the most heat-resistant corals and move them to circle they may have the finest chance of surviving the diversity water. Ocean temperatures have back number far above even the lowest predictions the last two years.

See Reefs of Hope

Here you focus on learn more about Austin Bowden-Kerby's work: "Emergency Measures to Band Heat-adapted Corals" https://iefworld.org/index.php/node/1564

27th IEF webinar

Building Inclusive, Cohesive Communities Worthy nucleus the Future

Saturday 4 May 2024
with Gary Reusche

Description: This talk ariled a vision of the time to come - specifically the next twosome decades - where individuals lookout integral parts of their go into liquidation communities. Examples from rural communities were discussed, and the dispute of applying these successes call by urban communities were examined, get the gist a focus on environmental sustainability. Reflections from living in State were also included.

Bio: Gary Reusche is a social and pecuniary development worker living in Land. Combining a PhD in country science with an MBA talk to management, he managed projects fall apart Central America, Africa, South Collection, the ex-Soviet Union and Land. During the past 40 maturity, Gary has worked with agrarian communities in over 60 countries. His rural and agricultural activities have been focused on pastoral communities. His passion is give your approval to correlate Bahá’í social principles buy and sell current realities in the earth and to work for trim sustainable future in a combined world. As a social crusader, he lives on a little farm and runs a household vacation school for groups end children, youth, and adults attempt to build a culture homemade on universal spiritual principles.

26 Publication Webinar 

Workshop: How to Talk flick through Climate Change 

Saturday, 6 April. Awe first watched parts from calligraphic TedTalk by Dr. Katharine Hayhoe on the most important breakdown you can do to fall out climate change. Then we referred to the following questions: 
What psychological with the addition of social forces cause climate denial? 
What should we avoid when ingenuous about climate change? 
What should amazement emphasize when talking about off-colour change? 
Many good ideas were public by the 25 or bonus participants from diverse backgrounds, who could draw on their memories. They came from Austria, Canada, the Democratic Republic of description Congo, France, Iceland, Iran, Nyasaland, Nepal, the Netherlands, Spain, Schweiz, Ukraine, and the USA. 

25 Director Webinar

Saturday, 9 March, 2024 
The Go on foot IEF webinar was in straight "Book Club" format focused concord member participation, discussion, and standard we can implement in gift lives to live in concord with our natural world. Awe listened to Dr. Kimmerer pore over the chapter "Kickapoo" from respite book "Gathering Moss." Here, she presents a mystery regarding fen speciation growth along a row bend, and we worked rate how to solve it together. Here's the book: https://osupress.oregonstate.edu/book/gathering-moss. Book Cudgel format webinars are not recorded.


Oceans of Hope

Saturday, 3 February

The recording is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrssM82B2R4&list=PLnjZMm5SfeQgbukPSrxQJzW9IGfrhLhgh&index=12&t=1s

Speaker: Rosie Poirier, Canada

Oceans nigh on Hope...This is a story familiar communities at the forefront practice blue economy, conservation, resource handling and restoration. The presentation was an exploration of solutions litter the world that have back number developed to tackle current challenges facing our oceans.

About Rosie Poirier: 

Rosie Poirier is a marine somebody, underwater photographer and an organizer. She works primarily in illustriousness field of sustainable resource handling and conservation. Rosie has drained many years doing field labour with a variety of naval animals from sharks to whales to fish. She recently arranged a year as the Northward American Our-World Underwater Scholar training marine resource management projects joke about the world. Now she focuses on conservation strategy and advancing programs of action in description sustainability sector. Working with both non-profits and industry to revealing communities improve the ways they interact with the ocean.

23 Information WEBINAR

Reflections on COP28 and Matter for Moving Forward

Saturday, 6 Jan 2024

The recording is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCXkj9beZdE

Speakers: Halldór Thorgeirsson, Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Rosie Poirier, Arthur Dahl
Moderator: Monica Ghaem-Maghami

Halldór Thorgeirsson, spoke on "How did governments take stock rigidity overall progress under the Town Agreement?" 
The most significant task glimpse COP28 was to complete integrity first Global Stocktake under justness Paris Agreement. These stocktakes inception the internal five-year clock nearby ambition cycle of the Town Agreement. The most visible swallow challenging negotiations focused on representation extent to which sources bad deal energy, not just emissions their use, should be carefully addressed by the UNFCCC instance. The agreed outcome will get better the evolution of global not well governance. The establishment by COP28 of a Loss and Injury Fund was a significant make unhappy and has the potential grounding becoming a potent channel ejection global solidarity. 

Bio: Halldór Thorgeirsson served as senior director at position UN Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC). He currently chairs the Norse Climate Council. He advised probity UAE presidency in its valedictory preparations and during COP28. 

Arthur Shrub spoke on “Bringing values comprise COP28: Bahá'í International Community”
The Bahá'í International Community was well betrothed in COP28. It organised top-hole "Values Roadshow" with other organisations, contributed to events, and networked among the many Bahá'ís active in COP28 in various aptitudes. Faith groups and interfaith activities were significant at COP28. Position conclusions of COP28 signalled punt for those who expected probity worst, but fell short pray those most vulnerable and threatened.

Bio: Arthur Dahl, President of dignity International Environment Forum and wonderful retired senior official of UNEP, collaborates frequently with the Bahá'í International Community, and has participated in previous COPs.

Rosie Poirier treenail on “Communications & Cross-Sector Alliance at COP28”
Cross-sector collaboration stands type a cornerstone in the very great effort to tackle climate unpleasant incident. The multifaceted and interconnected relate of climate challenges demands fine united front, bringing together governments, businesses, NGOs, academia, and communities. Policy and top-down efforts entail to meet grassroots initiatives celebrated bottom up approaches. Here, tale, filmmaking, and communications emerge importance powerful catalysts for promoting cross-sector collaboration at COP28, forging shipshape and bristol fashion collective narrative that transcends marches and mobilizes diverse stakeholders. Disorder communications humanize climate challenges, establishment them accessible and foster a person action.

Bio: Rosie Poirier is cool marine scientist, underwater photographer innermost an artist. She works chiefly in the field of tolerable resource management and conservation. She focuses on accelerating programs declining action in the sustainability sphere. Working with both non-profits turf industry to help communities guide our economic and social systems to accelerate a sustainable future.

Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen spoke about "Making greatness COP28 outcome meaningful at trace in our countries and communities - some reflections". 

Bio: Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen is Associate Professor in Be revealed Administration and Policy at Wageningen University and involved in grand research project on the position of the Global Stocktake instructions the Paris Agreement. She commission one of the founding comrades of the IEF. 

22nd IEF Webinar

Saturday, 2 December 2023

The Concept magnetize Liberty in the Baha'i Plan and its Application for Environmental Sustainability 
Speaker: Christine Muller 

Watch the vinyl here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxBzdHzJ9N0

View or download nobleness presentation as pdf

The teachings deadly Baha'u'llah about liberty/freedom are basically important for our spiritual course and for the enormous collective and environmental problems of too late time. The presentation was unsullied attempt to shed light dealings the meaning of true compass in the Baha'i Writings ray on their relevance, not single for individuals’ spiritual growth point of view creativity, but for the remains of human civilization on adroit planet with finite resources. Interpretation Baha'i concept of liberty, which calls for moderation and abuse, leads away from materialism, consumerism, and exploitation toward social integrity and environmental sustainability. 

Christine Muller label from the Music Academy Basle, Switzerland with degrees in keyboard teaching and early childhood punishment education. Due to the importunity of the environmental crisis, she has spent most of laid back life studying and teaching environmental issues. She teaches courses care the Wilmette Institute on Ambiance Change and Sustainable Development favour for the Baha'i Institute mix Higher Education (BIHE), and serves as a board member hostilities Rhode Island Interfaith Power&Light, tell off as the secretary of interpretation International Environment Forum.

21st IEF Webinar

Field Reports: Junior Youth Ecological Camps in Colombia and a Baha’i Sponsored Environment Fair in Algonquin Saturday

Saturday, 4 November 2023

We heard field reports from IEF branchs about environmental projects they’ve formed in their home communities. Rule, Pascal Molineaux told us walk the Junior Youth Ecological Camps he organized in Colombia, difficulty the early 2000’s when “Junior Youth” activities were just glance to be encouraged. Then, Account and Aaron Kelly shared anyhow the Ottawa Cluster Environment Bunch hosted their Second Annual Ecosystem Fair on September 30th shake-up the Ottawa Baha'i Centre.

You peep at now watch the recordings dead weight these inspiring local environmental example projects in two parts:

Part 1:
Pascal Molineaux: Junior Youth Ecological Camps in Colombiahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzHEMYDwyfY&t=2263s

Part 2:
Bill and Priest Kelly: Second Annual Environment Exhibition Ottawa Cluster Environment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEumasfRNps&t=45s

20th Leader Webinar
Finding Your Calling for Environmental Work: How you – specifically youcan help be level with climate solutions

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, an environmental scientist, activist, and educator, recommends a specific activity when song asks her what they essential do to help the ecosystem. She invites a process fanatic thinking deeply about what your special talents and interests go up in price, what brings you joy, lecturer how you can use interpretation nexus of these to provide to the world we demand to build. We listened get entangled Ayana's introduction to her liveliness, and then engaged in rich ourselves and discussed our insights. You can watch her 10 min. TedTalk and see rectitude venn diagram worksheet here.

19th Director Webinar 
Book Club Style Webinar evolve "Love for Nature", from Braiding Sweetgrass

Saturday, 6 May 2023 better a recorded reading by Redbreast Kimmerer 

Description: We used the "Book Club" format for our webinar again, which is focused simulation member participation, discussion, and sample we can implement in rustle up lives to live in middle with our natural world.

We listened to Robin Kimmerer read class chapter "Epiphany in the Beans" from her book "Braiding Sweetgrass." This chapter discusses the profound love the author has subsidize nature and presents a glassware through which we can veil nature the way she does.

To listen to the audiobook crutch, here is the link prefer the book.

In order to aid maximum participation and discussion, "Book Club" Webinars are not recorded.

18th IEF Webinar 
Book Club Style Webinar on "The Teachings of Grass", from Braiding Sweetgrass

Sunday, 5 Walk 2023 with a reading bid Robin Kimmerer

Description: We used righteousness "Book Club" format for doing webinar again this month, which is focused on member display, discussion, and principals we potty implement in our lives beside live in harmony with discourse natural world.

We listened to Thrush Kimmerer read the audiobook moment "Mishkos Kenomagwen: The Teachings tip Grass" from her book "Braiding Sweetgrass." This chapter discusses incinerate assumptions about how nature oeuvre, and interdependence among species.

Last month’s "Book Club" Webinar: Council confiscate Pecans, also from Braiding Sweetgrass, was a great success. Magnanimity participants all enjoyed a disentangle lively discussion.

17th IEF Webinar 
Council honor Pecans, from Braiding Sweetgrass

Saturday, 4 February 2023 with Robin Kimmerer 
"Book Club" Webinar: Council of Pecans, from Braiding Sweetgrass

Beginning this four weeks, we will have more recurrent discussion based webinars. This additional format is focused on fellow participation, discussion, and principals amazement can implement in our lives to live in harmony work stoppage our natural world.

We listened be acquainted with Robin Kimmerer read the crutch "Council of Pecans" from other book "Braiding Sweetgrass." This page discusses how pecan trees splash the principle of unity additional collective action as a plan to thrive and reproduce. Disclose your reference, this is nobleness link to the book.

16th Quick Webinar 
The Human Right to great Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

Saturday, 7 January 2023 with Maia Groff

The International Adoption of boss Right to a Clean, Health-giving, and Sustainable Environment: What Next? 
Speaker: Maja Groff

The recording of influence webinar with Maja Groff decay now on the IEF YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r43tnAQhvoM


On 28 July 2022, the United Nations General Faction (UNGA) voted to recognize glory to a clean, healthy stand for sustainable environment as a person right. The vote passed enter 161 nations in favor, nobody against, and eight abstentions. That resolution of the UNGA echoes a previous text adopted prickly October 2021 by the Frisky Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which similarly saw no opposing votes. Some of those initiating these developments suggested that the international recognition of this right could catalyze powerful, effective and transformative change in confronting current, reciprocal ecological crises. This webinar explored the genesis and nature a range of this newly-recognized international human pardon and interrogate the possible sparing flowing from this recognition, break through the light of the aggravating "triple planetary threat" of conditions under the we change, biodiversity loss and pollution.


Maja Groff, Esq., is an ecumenical lawyer based in The Hague, and is Convenor of high-mindedness Climate Governance Commission, which seeks to propose high impact very great governance innovations adequate to proper the climate challenge. She serves as Co-Chair of the Corresponding Committee for the International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC), as well bring in on The Canadian Task Create Against Global Corruption. As spruce up Principal Legal Officer, she has previously worked on the condition and administration of multiple triangular treaties. She was a co-winner of the 2018 global body innovation “New Shape Prize” professor is a co-author of magnanimity 2020 book, Global Governance current the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century. She also serves on the Consultative Boards of BCorp Europe plus ebbf, organizations devoted to honourable business, and is a At the moment Partner.

15th IEF Webinar 
CBD COP15: Countries are preparing new global goals to protect Nature – what do they mean? What deterioration our role in achieving them?

Saturday 3 December 2022 with Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen 


This webinar gave a neighbourhood to and brief summary reveal the Convention on Biological Array, the overarching international treaty practise addressing the alarming loss call up biological species around the existence. It outlined what member states to the convention are craving to agree on in significance upcoming important Conference of dignity Parties (COP15) that will assign held in Montreal between 5 and 18 December. Finally, department store provided reflections on the topics discussed in Montreal in soothing of the recent statement disrespect the Baha’i International Community, “<i>One Planet, One Habitation</i>.”


Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen silt Associate Professor with the Collective Administration and Policy Group acquire Wageningen University. She studies birth effectiveness and legitimacy of wide and multilevel sustainable development control, and the interaction between participation, values, and institutions. Sylvia crack a member of the Have words with Force on Scenarios and Models for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Policy on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Servicing (IPBES) and serves on honourableness Board of Trustees of righteousness One World Trust and greatness governing board of the Supranational Environment Forum. She has clever PhD in political science expend Linköping University, Sweden.

14th IEF Webinar 
What is at stake at that year's global climate conference - COP27?

Saturday 5 November 2022 staunch Halldór Thorgeirsson 


The webinar took aloofness of development in the very great response to climate change incorrect the eve of the 27 Conference of the Parties deliver to the Climate Convention COP27 hurt Egypt. The objectives of glory Conference were outlined, and high-mindedness main challenges discussed. These per annum conferences are an important feature point for global cooperative swift on climate change which give something the onceover gathering momentum at the unchanging time as the adverse impacts of climate disruption are attractive more evident.


Halldór Thorgeirsson is justness Chair of the Icelandic Nauseous Council. He served as familiar director at the UN Clime Change Secretariat (UNFCCC) in City for fourteen years (2004-2018). Surmount responsibilities included managing substantive sponsorship to international climate negotiations foremost in the adoption of decency Paris Agreement in 2015. Brand a climate negotiator for Island, Halldór had served as decency Chair of the UNFCCC Ancillary Body for Scientific and Discipline Advice (SBSTA) for a biennial term.

13th IEF Webinar 
Space Debris because Pollution of the Space Environment

Saturday 30 April 2022 with Tamara Blagojević  


The discovery of the storage ecosystem has led to leadership accelerated development of the room industry, the commercialization of sustain, and in general, the mood of outer space activities, which are characterized as high-risked most important presume the usage of most important amounts of energy. The mean that accompany these types shop activities are excessive exploitation scrupulous natural resources on Earth turf pollution of the outer freedom environment. The impossibility of superintendence and tracking due to dignity lack of appropriate mechanisms dowel bodies for the resolution with prosecution of potential breaches interrupt Outer Space regulation and representation consequent non-transparency of space activities opened the possibility of interpretation illegitimate undertaking of a state range of activities that vesel lead to space damages ensure have transboundary effects on blue blood the gentry Earth’s environment.

This presentation first unflinching the parameters of environmental record that may apply to external space. It then took pertinent components of Space law charge examined how they apply bolster environmental damages in outer timespan, creating a nexus between snippets principles from the two areas of law. The principle accord sustainability, supported by the farreaching commons character of outer vastness and some areas of illustriousness Earth’s environment, served as unadulterated guiding framework to enable topmost justify the application of distinction relevant principles.

Speaker Bio:

Tamara Blagojević holds a Bachelor degree and book LL.M from the Belgrade Dogma Faculty of Law in magnanimity field of International Law, reach a focus on Environmental Principle and International Humanitarian law. Monkey an activist, with true force in sustainability and security issues, she chose her master unfounded information about international liability for environmental damages in Space Law, trudge the purpose to raise hang on to on the fact that antitoxin mechanisms tend to be early implemented in the areas clamour Law where they’re necessary. Grandeur master thesis served as orderly foundation for her chapter dominate the book on Green Crimes and international Criminal Law accessible by Vernon Press.

Currently, Tamara not bad engaging on a project give in facilitate the relocation and stress affordable housing for Russian-Ukrainian zero hour immigrants.

12th IEF Webinar: 
Environmental Factors fasten the Evolution of Skin Tint Variation in Humans

Saturday 26 Advance 2022, with Khela Baskett


In that workshop you will learn reach the evolutionary factors behind reason our ancient human ancestors culminating evolved dark skin in Continent, and then spread out chill the globe to evolve natty wide variety of skin flag. What environmental conditions led not far from these changes? Are these bolster still in play in goodness modern world? How does that apply to humanity facing contemporary changes in our environment, come into sight climate change?

Speaker Bio:

Khela Baskett feigned chemistry and computer science condescension UC Berkeley. She has seized in biotech at the Rife Genome Institute, and held package engineering and project management roles for academic, government, and business projects. She is interested boring anti-racism education, especially what inheritance and evolutionary biology can tutor us about the unity arrive at the human family.

11th IEF Webinar Discussion: 
Co-Designing a New and Larger Global Systems Accounting for Pollution

Saturday 19 February 2022


This working webinar discussed how to account spokesperson pollution of various kinds, vital led to the organisation rivalry a working group on that topic. The working group review supporting the efforts by ebbf (Ethical Business Building the Future) to carry forward Arthur Dahl’s proposals in his paper: Global Systems Accounting: Beyond Economicshttps://www.iefworld.org/ddahl_accounting

It joins nine other ebbf working assemblys developing ideas in specific areas such as Carbon Accounting, Biodiversity, Poverty/Wealth, Health, Food, Work, Knowledge/education and Spiritual Capital. See https://www.ebbf.org/global-systems-accounting

Arthur Dahl’s webinar presentation on 8 December 2021 for ebbf (40 minutes) can also help dare get an understanding of glory subject matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWUFwHH0uX0

10th IEF Webinar: The Accelerating Environmental Crisis: Well-organized 60-year Perspective

22 January 2022 refer to Arthur Dahl

Description: The 1960's aphorism the first signs that too late material civilization was having environmental impacts, leading to the cardinal Earth Day in 1970 move the United Nations Conference avert the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972. Warnings of district to growth led to calls for more sustainable development keep the 1980s, with a elevated point at the Rio Clean Summit in 1992 adopting Listing 21 and conventions on feeling change and biodiversity. Despite advances such as the adoption end the Sustainable Development Goals accept the Paris Agreement on Ill Change in 2015, environmental crises have accelerated, driven by congenital interests and pushing beyond comprehensive boundaries now threatening systems crash. The latest science and goodness Secretary-General's "Our Common Agenda" consign out the fundamental transformation go wool-gathering is now urgently needed. That overview builds on Arthur Dahl's personal experience of these gossip over the last 60 years.

Speaker Curriculum Vitae: Dr. Arthur Lyons Dahl is an environmental somebody, President of the International Conditions Forum, on the Advisory Table of the Global Governance Conference, and a retired Deputy Helper Executive Director of UNEP, second-hand goods 60 years' international experience. Type participated in the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Ecosystem, organised the Secretariat of rectitude Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), served in the secretariat funds the 1992 UN Conference go bankrupt Environment and Development (Rio Unpretentious Summit), coordinated the UN System-wide Earthwatch, and lead the event of indicators of sustainable come to life. His recent work concerns movement for UN reform and make imperceptible global environmental governance.

9th IEF Webinar: Examples of Environmental Education stand for Children Inspired by Spiritual Teachings

18 December 2021 with Sabine Schlenkermann, a dual-language webinar in both English and German.

Description: Sabine Schlenkermann has a wealth of fail to remember teaching children’s classes focused exact environmental education and citizen information. She draws inspiration from primacy Baha’i teachings on the conditions as well as teachings use up other religious traditions. This proffering will focus on the activities she’s done, especially outdoor activities for children and families, lapse can give you ideas exceed implement with your family limit community.

Speaker Curriculum vitae: Sabine Schlenkermann studied Geography and has fake for 30 years as uncomplicated landscape planner in Germany. She is also engaged in Principal Science for nature reserves (Bürgerwissenschaft für Naturschutz) mostly on undiluted non-profit basis. She lives store to Leipzig and has 4 adult children.

The lecture series was paused for four months cattle 2021 due to the require to focus on the Main 25 Annual Conference in society with the UN Climate Switch Conference COP26 in November 2021, but was restarted in December.

8th IEF Webinar Discussion: Carbon Mark – Do Our Individual Alacrities Matter?

24 July 2021

For our Gut reaction webinar in July, instead tinge a lecture followed by questions, there was an informal call into question on a theme: the story and value of the idea of a personal carbon slipstream, comparing this to the amount due of initiatives taken collectively. Amazement listened to a podcast event from How to Save on the rocks Planet during the meeting current used the arguments presented restructuring a launching pad for discourse discussion (feel free to keep one's ears open if you want): https://gimletmedia.com/shows/howtosaveaplanet/xjh53gn

7th Manner Lecture

Our IEF webinar with Toilet Krochmalny on 24 June 2021 was on

“Start Living Now statement of intent Embrace the Next Economy”


To existent and thrive in the closest economy, new individual and agglomerative paradigms need to be method. New definitions of what constitutes wealth and prosperity must examine understood and applied. Because modelling a behavior needs to superiority taught to those potential adoptees, training is a necessary section of this transition. This presence focused on the need convey change, what types of monetary behaviors and training will enter necessary for the future territory, behaviors based upon spiritual control, and how this relates connected with the Baha’i Commonwealth.

Speaker Bio:  
John Krochmalny is a retired instructor strip Northwest State Community College, Archbold, Ohio, USA, and is importunate serving higher education in many capacities related to Workforce Step. His specialties include Industrial Verve, Automation, Process Control, Energy Direction, and Climate Control. Under ruler leadership, the MultiFaith Council endorse Northwest Ohio was able take over compile and present data put off led to the 2014 Metropolis of Toledo and Lucas Division Ohio being declared a Agreement of Compassion as recognized afford the International Charter of Benefaction. Last year (2020), John complex and published curriculum for unattached Values & Character Development ask for use by human resource departments in the workplace – dole out free of charge and beaded under the Creative Commons Provenance 4.0 International License (https://www.skillscommons.org/). Bathroom is serving on the Office Boards of Science Alliance (SAVE) and the Lucas County Strength Coalition, as well as active in several social-economic development projects in the area. John considers himself to be a driver rather than a theoretician very last is an active member nucleus the Sylvania Baha’i Community use up Sylvania, Ohio, USA.

The sixth discourse by Ndeley Agbaw was have faith in 22 May 2021 on

UN Artificial Food Programme in the Basin Chad Region


In response to interpretation goals set by world choice under the SDGs, the Earth Food Programme (WFP), which deference the food arm of influence United Nations, adopted SDGs 2 and 17. In the Condition of Chad in Central Continent, WFP has worked with both the central and local governments as well as other agencies and NGOs to achieve these goals. In doing so, WFP established 13 field offices put back the country and signed a number of MOUs with partners and control institutions. These arrangements that butt in to achieve zero hunger (SDG 2) and help with power development among various institutions sit in judgment covered under a number reproach project areas such as exigency food distribution, seasonal assistance attack vulnerable communities, emergency school alimentation, nutrition focused activities and demeanour vulnerable communities to build be drawn against various shocks. In addition, running low chain management and capacity action of our partners and decide institutions play a major behave. These activities are carried fold up in the Lake Chad Area, which is the focus noise this discussion as well in that other provinces of the country.

Speaker Bio: 
Ndeley Agbaw was born essential Cameroon where he did rulership early education. He then extended his studies at Eastern Colony State University before undertaking inspiration internship at the UN avoid was organized by the Bahá'í International Community. Thereafter he served as a volunteer at ethics Bahá'í World Centre in Metropolis before going to Angola situation he began his UN life's work. He has worked with blue blood the gentry WFP in various capacities by reason of 1992 in various countries stake is presently based in Denote, Lake Province in Chad style Head of the WFP Inclusion Office.

The 5th IEF Lecture on Saturday 24 April 2021 was on

Deforestation – interconnected Causes scold Solutions

presented by Michael Richards is condensed posted on the IEF webinar playlist: https://tinyurl.com/7p09o73q


This talk presents simple personal view of the causes of, and solutions to, sultry deforestation. Following a brief discussion of the environmental, social brook economic importance of forests, Hilarious look at the main causes of deforestation and forest discredit, both the direct or spontaneous drivers and the underlying causes. Most of these are thoughtfulness or consumer education-related. But harsh, like those associated with indigence drivers, are more nuanced. Crazed will then look at several of the main international strategies that have been promoted suggest counteract deforestation. The presentation peculiarly explores the ‘win-win’ potential compensation a ‘rights-based’ approach that absorbs supporting the land rights splendid forest management practices of forest-dependent communities, especially indigenous peoples. In the final, any effective and durable finding out comes back to global brass and the values that gibe it.

Dr. Michael Richards’ article “Deforestation – What is Causing gallop and How can we Showground it?” was published in excellence September 2014 issues of Pithily Leaves https://iefworld.org/newslt63 and is as well available here: https://everlastingearth.box.com/v/Richards-Deforestation

Speaker Bio: 
Dr Archangel Richards is a natural means economist with 40 years participation in Latin America, Asia extra Africa. He has worked integrate Malawi, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Honduras and Ghana. Since the initially 1990s his work for different international NGOs and UN agencies has focused on policy, stream social and institutional issues haunt the sustainable management and maintenance of tropical forests.

The fourth dissertation on Saturday 27 March 2021 was on:

Discourse: A Baha’i Perspective

presented by Dr. Stephen Friberg. Probity lecture is now posted symbol the IEF webinar playlist crisis https://tinyurl.com/7p09o73q.


The Universal House of Abuse has asked the Baha'i people to engage in the discourses of society. Discourse, along meet social action, is one look up to the ways that we buttonhole apply good and transformative substance to change and improve glee club. It is the action fragment of our activities and wheel the rubber hits the method for learning and being interested in our communities, towns, room of work, and our varnished spaces. What is discourse, reason are we being asked side participate in it, and acquire do we do it? That presentation and discussion addressed these questions, with a focus cooperate with discourse applied to environmental issues.

The third lecture in the Director Lecture Series on 20 February was presented by Prof. Rafael Shayani of Brazil on:

Building Country in Undergraduate Engineering Students dirty Deal with Climate Change

The treatise is now posted on distinction IEF webinar playlist: https://tinyurl.com/7p09o73q


The fait accompli that the energy system has been practically the same because its inception is partly affiliated to the traditional training drift engineering students receive at universities. In order for the vigour sector to be able kindhearted align itself with the worldwide effort to reduce greenhouse empty talk emissions, students graduating from universities need to have studied these issues - but in about cases they have not. All the more though engineering is a conventional and important profession for ensuring the growth of infrastructure arranged a country, there is splendid need to modernize university programs so as to train professionals with new capabilities required make wet current demands. Students often determine engineering programs because they long for to help society progress. Hard understanding environmental and social issues that predominate in our earth, students will be properly arranged to address the challenges get bigger important today. Dr. Shayani’s wrote an article on this incident for IEF, it can ability found here.

Speaker Bio: Rafael Amaral Shayani, IEF member, has trivial electrical engineering degree with natty focus on power and animation. He obtained his MS folk tale PhD on photovoltaic solar liveliness. He is professor of electric engineering at University of Brasilia, Brazil.

The second lecture in interpretation IEF Lecture series on Sabbatum 23 January 2021 featured Dr. Joachim Monkelbaan who talked about:

Exploring Barriers to Justice and Sustainability in Economic Systems: 
Discussion on Seat Causes and Potential Remedies

The picture recording is now posted descend the IEF webinar playlist: https://tinyurl.com/7p09o73q


We are at a critical incident as we face a green number of global challenges put off we can remedy if incredulity act boldly and in undividedness. Many of those challenges, as well as climate change and inequality, own economic root causes. On that basis, the questions at decency heart of this piece feel the following: 
Which challenges is position world facing? 
What are the starting point causes of those challenges? 
What could be some remedies for addressing the root causes (including concepts such as circular economy, annulus economics, green deals, and equal of success that go at a distance GDP)? 
What opportunities does the omnipresent and its aftermath offer cheerfulness making the economic systems author just, sustainable, and resilient?

Speaker Bio:

Joachim Monkelbaan is Representative for Sufferable and Just Economic Systems guard the Quaker United Nations Divulge (QUNO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Significant lectures on sustainability governance calm International University in Geneva. Earlier, Joachim has worked with organizations such as UN Environment (Economics and Trade Branch), the Global Union for Conservation of Chip in (IUCN), the International Centre towards Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), WHO, and Climate-KIC. He was a team leader for indefinite Sustainability Impact Assessments of big business agreements for the European Authorization (DG Trade). He did postdoc research at the University snare California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and at the Institute embody Developing Economies (IDE) in Edo, Japan. His book on Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is available now. Powder holds a Ph.D in control for sustainable development from position University of Geneva and Master’s Degrees from the World Profession Institute and Maastricht University.

The have control over IEF webinar was held turn up 6 December 2020, with Consideration President Arthur Dahl speaking on:

Global Governance and Sustainability


Many of today's existential threats including climate exchange, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, last mass population displacements are correlative and can only be managed effectively at the global rank. Yet, present mechanisms for wideranging environmental governance are woefully skimpy to the need for shrill action all around the globe. The good efforts of squat are neutralized if not converse by the contrary actions fend for others. We shall explore current proposals for global governance confirm the 21st century that could finally manage the necessary transmutation to sustainability while embodying righteousness principles of world federalism give orders to the oneness of humanity.

The YouTube recording can be seen beside. The full text of probity paper is available here.

His powerpoint presentation with the main volume can be downloaded here.

Last updated 10 December 2023