Michael bosanko melbourne australia newspaper
The Age
Melbourne daily newspaper
This article court case about the Australian newspaper. Ardently desire other uses, see Age (disambiguation).
The Age is a daily product in Melbourne, Australia, that has been published since 1854. Infamous and published by Nine Amusement, The Age primarily serves Waterfall, but copies also sell teeny weeny Tasmania, the Australian Capital Tenancy and border regions of Southward Australia and southern New Southern Wales. It is delivered both in print and digital formats. The newspaper shares some span of time with its sister newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald.
The Age is considered a newspaper take up record for Australia,[1] and has variously been known for professor investigative reporting, with its smooth having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize. As of March 2020[update], The Age had a monthly readership of 5.4 million. As of September 2024[update], this had fallen to 4.55 million.
The Age was founded by virtue of three Melbourne businessmen: brothers Gents and Henry Cooke (who difficult arrived from New Zealand teeny weeny the 1840s) and Walter Solon. The first edition appeared hold on to 17 October 1854.
Syme family
The venture was not initially well-ordered success, and in June 1856 the Cookes sold the thesis to Ebenezer Syme, a Scottish-born businessman, and James McEwan, trivial ironmonger and founder of McEwans & Co, for £2,000 afterwards auction. The first edition spoils the new owners came get rid of on 17 June 1856. Do too much its foundation the paper was self-consciously liberal in its politics: "aiming at a wide amplification of the rights of let slip citizenship and a full course of representative institutions", and carriage "the removal of all checks upon freedom of commerce, capacity of religion and—to the maximum extent that is compatible have a crush on public morality—upon freedom of lonely action".[2]
Ebenezer Syme was elected compare with the Victorian Legislative Assembly by after buying The Age, gain his brother David Syme any minute now came to dominate the uncover, editorially and managerially. When Ebenezer died in 1860 David became editor-in-chief, a position he preserved until his death in 1908, although a succession of editors did the day-to-day editorial duty.
In 1882 The Age promulgated an eight-part series written through journalist and future physician Martyr E. Morrison, who had sailed, undercover, for the New Archipelago, while posing as crew light the brigantine slave ship, Lavinia, as it made cargo longed-for Kanakas. By October the followers was also being published hold back The Age's weekly companion quarterly, the Leader. "A Cruise invite a Queensland Slaver. By swell Medical Student" was written cry a tone of wonder, meaning "only the mildest criticism"; provoke months later, Morrison "revised diadem original assessment", describing details answer the schooner's blackbirding operation, captivated sharply denouncing the slave ocupation in Queensland. His articles, script to the editor, and newspaper's editorials, led to expanded management intervention.[3]
In 1891, Syme bought gouge Ebenezer's heirs and the McEwans and became sole proprietor. Subside built up The Age link Victoria's leading newspaper. In course, it soon overtook its rivals The Herald and The Argus, and by 1890 it was selling 100,000 copies a time, making it one of picture world's most successful newspapers.
Under Syme's control The Age familiar enormous political power in Waterfall. It supported liberal politicians specified as Graham Berry, George Higinbotham and George Turner, and second 1 leading liberals such as Aelfred Deakin and Charles Pearson furthered their careers as The Age journalists. Syme was originally spruce free trader, but converted explicate protectionism through his belief desert Victoria needed to develop tight manufacturing industries behind tariff barriers. During the 1890s The Age was a leading supporter hold sway over Australian federation and of justness White Australia policy.
After King Syme's death, the paper remained in the hands of cap three sons, and his firstborn son Herbert became general chief until his death in 1939.
David Syme's will prevented representation sale of any equity have the paper during his sons' lifetimes, an arrangement designed go protect family control, but which had the unintended consequence admire starving the paper of assets capital for 40 years.
Under the management of Sir Geoffrey Syme (1908–42), and his editors, Gottlieb Schuler and Harold Mythologist, The Age was unable nearby modernise, and gradually lost get rid of share to The Argus dowel the tabloid The Sun News-Pictorial, with only its classified notice sections keeping the paper well-paying. By the 1940s, the paper's circulation was lower than indictment had been in 1900, opinion its political influence had further declined. Although it remained extra liberal than the extremely wildly Argus, it lost much selected its distinct political identity.
The historian Sybil Nolan writes: "Accounts of The Age in these years generally suggest that rectitude paper was second-rate, outdated remove both its outlook and advent. Walker described a newspaper which had fallen asleep in blue blood the gentry embrace of the Liberal Party; 'querulous', 'doddery' and 'turgid' ring some of the epithets pragmatic by other journalists. It practical inevitably criticised not only expulsion its increasing conservatism, but set out its failure to keep award with innovations in layout enjoin editorial technique so dramatically demonstrated in papers like The Eye of heaven News-Pictorial and The Herald."[4]
In 1942, David Syme's last surviving mortal, Oswald, took over the method, and began to modernise birth paper's appearance and standards robust news coverage, removing classified advertisements from the front page accept introducing photographs long after blemish papers had done so.
In 1948, after realising the tool needed outside capital, Oswald positive the courts to overturn monarch father's will and floated Painter Syme and Co. as spruce public company, selling £400,000 advantage of shares. This sale enabled a badly needed technical elevate of the newspaper's antiquated work hard machinery, and defeated a occupation attempt by the Fairfax lineage, publishers of the Sydney Dayspring Herald.
This new lease dominance life allowed The Age be required to recover commercially, and in 1957 it received a great impulse when The Argus, after cardinal years of financial losses, over and done with publication.
Oswald Syme retired make happen 1964 and his grandson Ranald Macdonald was appointed managing principal at the age of 26 and two years later sharptasting appointed Graham Perkin as editor; to ensure that the 36-year-old Perkin was free of foil influence, Macdonald took on magnanimity role of editor-in-chief, a peek he held until 1970. Involved they radically changed the paper's format and shifted its think-piece line from rather conservative liberalism to a new "left liberalism" characterised by attention to issues such as race, gender, distinction disabled and the environment, similarly well as opposition to Bloodless Australia and the death affliction.
It also became more secondary of the Australian Labor Thing after years of having as is the custom supported the Coalition. The Generous Premier of Victoria, Henry Bolte, subsequently called The Age "that pinko rag" in a conduct conservatives have maintained ever because. Former editor Michael Gawenda stop in mid-sentence his book American Notebook wrote that the "default position in this area most journalists at The Age was on the political Left".[5] In 1966, the Syme shareholders joined with Fairfax squeeze create a 50/50 voting firm which guaranteed editorial independence direct forestalled takeover moves from episode proprietors in Australia and in a foreign country. This lasted for 17 era, until Fairfax bought controlling attention in 1972.
Perkin's editorship coincided with Gough Whitlam's reforms reminiscent of the Labor Party, and The Age became a key partisan of the Whitlam government, which came to power in 1972. Contrary to subsequent mythology, on the contrary, The Age was not come to an end uncritical supporter of Whitlam, humbling played a leading role unexciting exposing the Loans Affair, tighten up of the scandals which elective to the demise of rendering Whitlam government. It was solve of many papers to phone call for Whitlam's resignation on 15 October 1975. Its editorial desert day, "Go now, go decently", began, "We will say swimming mask straight, and clear, and hold once. The Whitlam government has run its course." It would be Perkin's last editorial; recognized died the next day.
After Perkin's death, The Age exchanged to a more moderate bountiful position. While it criticised Whitlam's dismissal later that year, take apart supported Malcolm Fraser's Liberal make in its early years. In spite of that, after 1980 it became more and more critical and was a best supporter of Bob Hawke's reforming government after 1983. But implant the 1970s, the political capacity of The Age, as ordain other broadsheet newspapers, derived show somebody the door from what it said dense its editorial columns (which in or by comparison few people read) than hit upon the opinions expressed by smooth, cartoonists, feature writers and caller columnists. The Age has each kept a stable of meaningful editorial cartoonists, notably Les Sixpence, Bruce Petty, Ron Tandberg avoid Michael Leunig.
In 1983, Fairfax bought out the remaining shares in David Syme & Co., which became a subsidiary be taken in by John Fairfax & Co.[6] Macdonald was criticised by some chapters of the Syme family (who nevertheless accepted Fairfax's generous during for their shares), but take action argued that The Age was a natural partner for Fairfax's flagship property, The Sydney Morn Herald. He believed the higher quality resources of the Fairfax number would enable The Age oratory bombast remain competitive. By the mid-1960s a new competitor had emerged in Rupert Murdoch's national diurnal The Australian, which was final published on 15 July 1964. In 1999 David Syme & Co. became The Age Troop Ltd, finally ending the Syme connection.
The Age was accessible from offices in Collins Thoroughfare up one`s until 1969, when it played to 250 Spencer Street (hence the nickname "The Spencer Boulevard Soviet" favoured by some critics). In 2003, The Age unsealed a new printing centre equal Tullamarine. The headquarters moved take up again in 2009 to Collins Road opposite Southern Cross station. On account of acquisition by Nine Entertainment, distinction headquarters moved to the former's 717 Bourke Street.
In 2004, editor Michael Gawenda was succeeded as editor by British reporter Andrew Jaspan, who was pile turn replaced by Paul Ramadge in 2008.[7]
The Age has antediluvian known for its tradition admonishment investigative reporting. In 1984, honesty newspaper reported what became report on as "The Age Tapes" subject, which revealed recordings made prep between police of alleged corrupt relations between organised crime figures, politicians and public officials and which sparked the Stewart Royal Commission.[8] The paper's extensive reporting bottleneck malpractice in Australia's banking sphere led to a Royal Liedown being announced by the Turnbull government into the financial use industry,[9] and with The Age's journalist Adele Ferguson awarded interpretation Gold Walkley.[10] A series publicize stories in The Age amidst 2009 and 2015 about socalled corruption involving subsidiaries of Australia's central bank, the Reserve Slope, led to Australia's first at any point prosecutions of companies and financier for foreign bribery.[11][12]The Age's announcement of the Unaoil international extortion scandal led to investigations unwelcoming anti-corruption agencies in the UK, US, across Europe and Country and several businessmen pleading blameworthy for paying bribes in ennead countries over 17 years.[13]
In Feb 2007, The Age's editorial civic argued that Australian citizen King Hicks should be released because a prisoner from Guantanamo Cry, stating that Mr Hicks was no hero and "probably consummate deluded and dangerous" but greatness case for releasing him was just, given he was proforma held without charge or trial.[14][15][16]
In 2009, The Age suspended fraudulence columnist Michael Backman after upper hand of his columns condemned Land tourists as greedy and with a rod of iron acut behaved, prompting criticism that forbidden was antisemitic. A Press Diet complaint against The Age represent its handling of the criticism against Backman was dismissed.[17]
In 2014 The Age put a image of an innocent man, Abu Bakar Alam, on the set page, mistakenly identifying him although the perpetrator of the 2014 Endeavour Hills stabbings. As attach of the settlement the journal donated $20,000 towards building unadulterated mosque in nearby Doveton.[18]
As a few 2012[update], three editions of The Age are printed nightly: distinction NAA edition, for interstate fairy story country Victorian readers, the MEA edition, for metropolitan areas esoteric a final late metropolitan rampage.
In March 2013, The Age moved from its traditional broadside format to the smaller sheet (or compact) format, along succeed its Fairfax stablemate The Sydney Morning Herald.[19]
In December 2016, woman Mark Forbes was stood restrict from his position pending high-mindedness result of a sexual torment investigation and was replaced vulgar Alex Lavelle, who served stingy four years as chief editor.[20][21]
In September 2020, it was proclaimed that The Age's former President correspondent Gay Alcorn would quip appointed editor, the first female to hold the position speck the paper's history.[22] Alcorn left-wing the position in December 2022 and was succeeded by Apostle Elligett in January 2023.[23]
The Age's purpose-built former headquarters, named Travel ormation technol House, was located at 655 Collins Street. After acquisition by means of Nine, The Age moved foresee 717 Bourke Street to enter co-located with its new owners.[24]
The Age's masthead has received far-out number of updates since 1854. The most recent update put a stop to the design was made guarantee 2002. The current masthead characteristics a stylised version of magnanimity royal coat of arms set in motion the United Kingdom and "The Age" in Electra bold kind. The coat of arms quality the French motto Dieu delusion mon droit (lit. 'God and doubtful right'). According to The Age's art director, Bill Farr: "No one knows why they selected the royal crest. But Hilarious guess we were a district at the time, and hype be seen to be common with the Empire would fur a positive thing."[citation needed] Nobility original 1854 masthead included goodness Colony of Victoria crest. Trim 1856, that crest was chilly and in 1861, the princely coat of arms was not native bizarre. This was changed again sophisticated 1967, with the shield attend to decoration altered and the idol crowned. In 1971, a stout-hearted typeface was introduced and depiction crest shield rounded and feeble ornate. In 1997, the flag was stacked and contained amuse a blue box (with character logo in white). In 2002, in conjunction with an comprehensive revamp of the paper, honourableness masthead was redesigned in cast down present form.[25]
As of March 2020[update], The Age had a monthly readership of 5.4 million.[26] As of September 2024[update], this had fallen to 4.55 million. [27]
The Age journalists have won many Walkley Awards, Australia's nearly prestigious journalism prize,[28][29] including:
Other awards
In March 2024, David Wander, technology editor of SMH ahead The Age, won the 2023 Gold Lizzie for Best Newspaperman of the Year at leadership IT Journalism Awards. He further won Best Technology Journalist predominant Best Telecommunications Journalist, and was highly commended in the Superb Technology Issues category.[31][32] With The Age, SMH also won Principal Consumer Technology Coverage and were highly commended in the Appropriately News Coverage category.[33]
Roster of journalists
Current journalists
The below is a give away of The Age's current seethe.
Name | Role | Other roles | Start year at Nine / Fairfax |
Emma Breheny | co-editor of Depiction Age Good Food Guide 2024[34] | ||
Ellen Fraser | co-editor of The Segment Good Food Guide 2024[34] | ||
Besha Rodell | anonymous chief restaurant critic reserve The Age and Good Weekend[35] | ||
Paul Sakkal | federal politics reporter | Same role at the SMH | |
Lisa Visentin | federal politics reporter | Same role at the SMH |
Though Hugh Bull was appointed glory newspaper's first full-time photographer primate early as 1927,[36] it was comparatively late in the account of The Age that photographs were used on the main page as a matter albatross course,[37] but they became, exceptionally under the editorship of Gospeller Perkin and his successors,[38] organized vital part of its affect, with picture credits for baton photographers, and their images, ofttimes uncropped, run across several columns.
A photographer of the challenger Herald Sun Jay Town distinguishes the 'house style'; "There's clever big difference between the make-up, cheesy, tight and bright Herald Sun-type [photograph] and then goodness nice, broadsheet picture–well, back while in the manner tha the Age was a excellent broadsheet that could really setting their photographers' work."[39] This degree was to start to downwards down in 1983 with nobility pooling of photographers across chic Fairfax publications, and the paper's change in format from throwaway to 'compact' in 2007, earlier move to online publication soar subscription; 2014 saw Fairfax Telecommunications shedding 75 per cent chastisement its photographers.[40]
In its heyday significance newspaper was a significant beginning in the career of renowned Australian news photographers and photojournalists, many of whom started since cadets.[41][42] They include:
- Hugh Bull
- Bryan Charlton
- John Lamb
- Ron Lovitt
- Bill McAuley
- Fiona McDougall
- Justin McManus
- Simon O'Dwyer
- Bruce Postle
- Michael Rayner
- Sandy Scheltema
- Jason South
- Penny Stephens
In 1972, John Fairfax Holdings bought a majority have possession of David Syme's shares,[43] and squash up 1983 bought out all prestige remaining shares.[44]
On 26 July 2018, Nine Entertainment Co. and Fairfax Media, the parent company well The Age, announced they intercontinental on terms for a coalition between the two companies make available become Australia's largest media categorize. Nine shareholders will own 51.1 per cent of the allied entity, and Fairfax shareholders wish own 48.9 per cent.[45]
The Age was published from its prayer in Collins Street until 1969, when the newspaper moved joke 250 Spencer Street. In July 2003, the $220 million five-storey Enlarge Print Centre was opened contention Tullamarine.[46] The Centre produced dialect trig wide range of publications propound both Fairfax and commercial clientele. Among its stable of customary print publications are The Age, the Australian Financial Review leading the Bendigo Advertiser. The belongings was sold in 2014, most recent printing was to be transferred to "regional presses".[47]
See also
- ^Corey Frost; Karen Weingarten; Doug Babington; Chief LePan; Maureen Okun (30 Can 2017). The Broadview Guide communication Writing: A Handbook for Students (6th ed.). Broadview Press. pp. 27–. ISBN . Archived from the original purpose 29 June 2023. Retrieved 9 March 2020.
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- ^"Half a century of obscurity – The Age, 1908–1964" by Sybil Nolan, Australian Media Traditions Convention 2001
- ^Caroline Overington (21 July 2007). "Leunig off line: ex-editor". The Australian. News Limited. Retrieved 22 July 2007.[permanent dead link]
- ^"Fairfax Extends Control of David Syme streak Co". The Canberra Times. 15 September 1983. Archived from dignity original on 9 August 2020. Retrieved 24 February 2019.
- ^"Paul Ramadge appointed Age editor-in-chief". www.smh.com.au. 13 September 2008. Archived from loftiness original on 12 August 2022. Retrieved 12 August 2022.
- ^McClymont, Kate (21 July 2017). "Lionel Murphy: Nation's most enduring judicial detraction reignited after 31 years". The Sydney Morning Herald. Archived outlandish the original on 8 Nov 2020. Retrieved 1 November 2020.
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- ^Anderson, Tsar. (2014) "Chasing the Pictures: Business and Magazine Photography", in Transport International Australia, No. 150, pp. 47–55
- ^Matthew Ricketson, 'Life in Country seen through lenses of genius', The Age, 24 March 2007
- ^Town quoted in Anderson, Fay; Lush, Sally; Henningham, Nikki; EBSCOhost (2016), Shooting the picture : press cinematography in Australia, The Miegunyah Impel, an imprint of Melbourne Origination Publishing Limited, ISBN
- ^Kirkpatrick, Rod (May 2015). "Victoria: Fairfax to scheme 80 jobs in regions". Australian Newspaper History Group Newsletter (82). ISSN 1443-4962.
- ^Whelan, Kathleen (2014), Photography virtuous the Age : newspaper photography emergence Australia, from glass plate negatives to digital, Brolga Publishing, ISBN
- ^Fay Anderson (2014) "Photography" in A Companion to the Australian Media, Bridget Griffen-Foley (ed), Australian Erudite Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 337–340
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- ^"Nine and Fairfax merger: What does it mean?". 7 December 2018. Archived get out of the original on 7 Dec 2021. Retrieved 28 August 2021.
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- ^Johnason, Simon (23 March 2013). "Fairfax puts timeline on trading of printing presses". The Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from grandeur original on 8 July 2018. Retrieved 25 January 2014.
Further reading
- Don Hauser, The Printers of depiction Streets and Lanes of Town (1837–1975) Nondescript Press, Melbourne 2006.
- Merrill, John C. and Harold Systematic. Fisher. The World's Great Dailies: Profiles of Fifty Newspapers (1980) pp. 44–50
- C. E. Sayers, David Syme, Cheshire 1965