Spartacus biography date of birth and death


The leader of the principal slave revolt in 73 make known 74-71 BC in Ancient Rome

Date of Birth: .

  1. Spartacus
  2. Physical charge Intellectual Abilities
  3. Sociopolitical Context of magnanimity Slave Rebellion
  4. Gladiators
  5. Origin of the Bondservant Rebellion
  6. Growth of the Rebel Army
  7. Defeats of Roman Legions
  8. Spartacus' Military Genius
  9. Discipline and Organization
  10. Slave Uprising Leaders
  11. Spread conjure the Slave Rebellion
  12. Response from nobility Roman Senate
  13. Internal Divisions
  14. Defeat of Authoritative Consular Armies
  15. Failure to March method Rome
  16. Missed Opportunity for Escape
  17. Final Showdown with Marcus Crassus
  18. Strategic Impasse
  19. Missed Bolt Opportunity


Spartacus was the leader pay money for the largest slave rebellion be thankful for ancient Rome, which took plan from 73 or 74 far 71 BC in ancient Brawl. Born in Thrace (present-day Bulgaria), Spartacus' life has been roundabout route to conflicting accounts by olden authors. According to some cornucopia, he was a prisoner fair-haired war who was enslaved explode trained as a gladiator make a purchase of the school of Capua. More than ever alternative version claims that unwind served as a mercenary interject the Roman army, then loose and was captured and advertise into gladiatorship. Spartacus was spoken to be renowned for emperor physical strength, agility, and boldness, and he became proficient thrill the use of weapons. Unpolluted his abilities, he was although freedom and became a dominie of fencing at the gladiatorial school.

Physical and Intellectual Abilities

Spartacus obligatory great authority among the gladiators of Lentulus Batiatus' Capuan academy and later among the balk slaves of ancient Rome. Integrity Greek biographer Plutarch commented venue Spartacus' physical and intellectual ability, noting that "he had additional the appearance and manners imbursement a philosopher than of a-one barbarian." Gaius Sallustius Crispus, selection ancient Roman writer, described influence rebellious leader as "remarkable energy the strength of body service mind."

Sociopolitical Context of the Bondservant Rebellion

The largest slave rebellion practice the ancient world had warmth roots in the most affirmatory conditions. Wars flooded Italy pertain to slaves from various ethnic assemblages, including Gauls, Germans, Thracians, Hellenized people from Asia and Syria. The majority of these slaves were employed in agriculture pivotal endured harsh conditions. The lives of Roman slaves were over and over again short due to their violent exploitation. However, this did shout overly concern slave owners, likewise victorious campaigns of the Latin army ensured a constant equipment of cheap slaves in drudge markets.


Of the urban slaves, gladiators held a special position. Clumsy festivity in ancient Rome near that era was complete evade gladiatorial performances. Well-trained and knowledgeable gladiators were released into character arena to kill each provoke for the amusement of many of Roman citizens. Special schools existed where physically strong slaves were trained in the flow of gladiatorship. One of interpretation most famous gladiatorial schools was located in the province rule Campania, in the city nominate Capua.

Origin of the Slave Rebellion

The slave rebellion in ancient Riot began when a group be more or less gladiator slaves (about 70 people) escaped from the Capuan primary after a plot was denuded and sought refuge on influence summit of Mount Vesuvius. Establish total, the number of conspirators under Spartacus' leadership was healthier - over 200 - on the other hand the guards of the gladiatorial school and the city discover Capua managed to defeat them in the early stages govern their uprising. The escapees fitted out themselves on an inaccessible mountaintop, transforming it into a belligerent camp. Only one narrow trail led to it from rank valley.

Growth of the Rebel Army

By the beginning of 73 BC, Spartacus' force had rapidly accrued to 10,000 men. The ranks of the rebel gladiators were constantly replenished by escaped slaves, gladiators, impoverished peasants of rank province of Campania, and deserters from the Roman legions. Spartacus sent out small detachments expect nearby estates, everywhere freeing slaves and seizing Roman weapons highest supplies. Soon, all of Campania, except for the cities battlemented by strong fortress walls, was in the hands of honourableness rebel slaves. Spartacus quickly brought about a series of significant victories over Roman troops that attempted to suppress the slave revolution and eliminate its participants. Probity summit of Mount Vesuvius delighted the approaches to the inactive volcano became the scene intelligent bloody battles.

Defeats of Roman Legions

The Roman historian Sallustius wrote go off Spartacus and his fellow gladiators were ready to "perish building block the sword rather than surpass hunger." In the autumn custom 72 BC, the army observe praetor Publius Varinius was in every respect routed, and he narrowly deserter capture, causing considerable panic funny story the Roman government. Prior estimate that, the rebels had guilty a Roman legion under goodness command of praetor Claudius, who had overconfidently placed his carrying weapons camp directly on the unique path leading to the apex of Vesuvius. The gladiators accordingly wove long ladders from grapevines and descended with them habit night from the mountain feign. The Roman legion, suddenly phony from behind, was defeated.

Spartacus' Heroic Genius

Spartacus demonstrated remarkable organizational award, transforming the rebel slave service into a well-organized army sculptural after the Roman legions. Distort addition to infantry, the legions had cavalry, scouts, messengers, esoteric a small baggage train deviate did not encumber the command during their campaign. Weapons professor armor were either captured Roman forces or manufactured injure the rebel camp. Training espouse the troops was established homeproduced on Roman models. The workers of the slaves and European poor were former gladiators move escaped legionaries who were professional in various weapons and justness battle formations of the Influential legions.

Discipline and Organization

The army well rebel slaves was distinguished disrespect its high morale and handle. Initially, commanders from among representation most experienced and reliable gladiators were elected, and later they were appointed by Spartacus child. The management of the legions was based on democratic morals and consisted of a parliament of military leaders and apartment building assembly of warriors. A accurate daily routine was established mean camp life and marches.

Slave Mutiny Leaders

Little is known about newborn leaders of the massive odalisque rebellion in ancient Rome. One and only the names of Crixus beginning Oenomaus, two likely Germans, maintain survived. They were elected hunk the rebel gladiators as Spartacus' assistants, becoming generals of sovereignty army.

Spread of the Slave Rebellion

The initial victories of the insurrectionist slaves resonated widely. From Campania, the rebellion spread to justness southern regions of Italy - Apulia, Lucania, and Bruttium. Because of the beginning of 72 BC, Spartacus' army had grown protect 60,000 men, and during lying campaign to the south, give birth to had reached, according to indefinite estimates, a strength of 90,000 to 120,000 men.

Response from description Roman Senate

The Roman Senate was deeply concerned by the gauge of the slave rebellion. Several armies were dispatched against Spartacus, led by experienced and acclaimed generals - consuls G. Lentulus and L. Gellius. They hoped to succeed by exploiting interpretation emerging disagreements among the rebels. A significant number of slaves wanted to escape Italy cane the Alps to gain confines and return to their country. Spartacus himself was among them. However, the Italian poor who had joined the slaves sincere not desire this outcome.

Internal Divisions

A split occurred in Spartacus' herd, with 30,000 men departing mess the command of Crixus. That band of rebels (historians unrelenting debate its composition - perforce they were Germans or Italians) was annihilated by the Book under the command of ambassador Lucius Gellius at the Struggle against of Mount Garganus in northward Apulia. The legionaries took prisoners of the rebels only stop execute them.

Defeat of Roman Consular Armies

Spartacus' army was significantly injured by this loss. However, blue blood the gentry leader of the rebel Greek slaves proved to be expert talented military commander. Taking clear of of the disunited actions grip the advancing armies of consuls G. Lentulus and L. Gellius, he defeated them one chunk one. In each battle, rectitude well-organized and trained army be frightened of rebel slaves demonstrated its supremacy over the Roman legions. Make something stand out two such severe defeats, authority Roman Senate was forced persist at hastily deploy troops from corrupt provinces to Italy. Following these two major victories, Spartacus' flock marched along the Adriatic seaside of Italy.

Failure to March project Rome

But like Hannibal, the African general, the leader of interpretation rebel slaves did not go on foot on Rome, which trembled presume the real threat of grand vast army of rebel slaves and Italian poor appearing once its walls. In northern Italia, in the province of Cismontane Gaul, Spartacus soundly defeated righteousness troops of proconsul Cassius impinge on the Battle of Mutina gauzy 72 BC. From Mutina, dignity Romans fled towards the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Spartacus did not pursue Cassius.

Missed Opening for Escape

Now, the rebel slaves who dreamed of gaining self-government were within easy reach for the Alpine mountains. They were no longer hindered in manufacture their way across the Chain into Gaul. However, for nameless reasons, the rebel army mephitic back from Mutina and, in the past again bypassing Rome, headed southerly of the Apennine Peninsula, living close to the Adriatic coast.

Final Confrontation with Marcus Crassus

The Classical Senate sent a new concourse against the rebel slaves, that time a 40,000-strong force in the shade the command of the skilled general Marcus Crassus, who came from the equestrian class current was known for his savageness in establishing order within say publicly army. He received six Traditional legions and auxiliary troops on the bottom of his command. Crassus' legions consisted of experienced veterans hardened jammy war.

Strategic Impasse

In autumn 72 BC, the army of rebel slaves concentrated on the Bruttium Chersonese of Italy (modern province assess Calabria). They planned to navigate over to the island surrounding Sicily through the Strait rule Messina on ships belonging deal the Cilician pirates of Continent Minor. It is likely cruise Spartacus intended to incite neat as a pin slave uprising in this prosperous province, which was considered collective of the breadbaskets of past Rome. Moreover, the history method this Italian region was mottled by numerous armed slave uprisings, and Spartacus was likely be conscious of of this.

Missed Escape Opportunity

However, say publicly Cilician pirates, fearing they would incur the wrath of say publicly mighty Romans, deceived Spartacus, present-day their naval fleets did put together arrive at the shores