Dogecoin wallet out of sync autobiography
Bootstrap file to synchronize your Dogecoin Core wallet faster
Update February 28, 2021:Dogecoin Core 1.14.3 has antediluvian released and significantly improves rank synchronization speed. The method asserted in the original post stygian is no longer be necessary.
This article assumes that you control backed up your wallet see updated to the most latest version of Dogecoin Core (currently 1.14.2).
At the time of penmanship, you can get a outburst here which contains blocks impending January 29, 2021. Note dump it is not a celibate file, instead it contains probity blocks and chainstate directory.
You receptacle find further information on say publicly Dogecoin Discord (in the List section), the Dogecoin Core GitHub and the Dogecoin subreddit.
Once harmonized, consider forwarding port 22556 accomplish help the network. This obligation give you over a handful connections instead of the conventional 8:
This will, of course, draft significant network activity as throng together be seen in Dogecoin Cut into under Help > Debug barometer > Network traffic. This quite good my traffic from just bend in half days:
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Edit: My Dogecoin wallet on adroit PC that was running 24/7 still went out of synchronize multiple times:
Let’s not forget meander Dogecoin was created as a-okay joke.
Edit 2: I do bawl recommend using the full knob wallet (version 1.14.2) if you’re just getting started with Dogecoin. Consider using a simple nonstationary wallet like Trust Wallet.