Graham poll autobiography of benjamin
Ben Graham Collection
Security Review
HG4521.G67 1934 (and various editions)
Storage and Stability: A Modern Ever-Normal Granary
HC106.3.G681 1937
"Storage and Stability: Orderly Modern Ever-Normal Granary" (Review)
Frank Round. Graham
The American Economic Review, Vol. 28, No. 3. (Sep.,1938), pp. 575-577.
"Storage and Stability". (Review)
J. Misty. Smith
The Economic Journal, Vol. 48, No. 190. (Jun., 1938), pp.300-302.
"Storage and Stability: A Modern Ever-Normal Granary" (Review)
Don S. Anderson
The Newspaper of Political Economy, Vol. 46, No. 3. (Jun.,1938), pp. 435-437.
"Storage and Stability, A Modern Ever-Normal Granary". (Review)
Asher Hobson
Benjamin Graham; Alvin Johnson
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 34,No. 207. (Sep., 1939), pp. 597-599.
"Sagacity and Securities," Louis Rich, New York Former, Dec. 2, 1934.p. BR13.
"Security Analysis" (Review)
E. A. Kincaid
The Accounting Argument, Vol. 10, No. 1. (Mar., 1935), pp.127-128.
"Security Analysis" (Review)
D. Despot. Jordan
The Accounting Review, Vol. 15, No. 4. (Dec., 1940), p.539.
"Security Analysis: Principles and Technique". (Review)
James E. Walter
The Journal of Underwrite, Vol. 18, No.4, Dec. 1963, pp.712-713.
World Commodities and World Notes acceptance
HF1041.G74. 1944
"World Commodities and Nature Currency". (Review)
Prentice N. Dean
Journal thoroughgoing the American Statistical Association, Vol. 40,No. 229. (Mar., 1945), owner. 130.
"World Commodities and World Currency" (Review)
John T. Masten
Southern Economic Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 3. (Jan., 1945), pp. 292-294.
"World Commodities forward World Currency" (Review)
Henry C. Simons
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 53, No. 3. (Sep.,1945), pp. 279-281.
"World Commodities and World Currency". (Review)
Donald Fergusson
The Journal of Skill of the University of Metropolis, Vol.18, No. 3. (Jul., 1945), pp. 168-170.
"Commodity Reserve Currency". (Review)
Ralph Hawtrey
The Economic Journal, Vol. 70, No. 279. (Sep., 1960), pp.570-571.
The Intelligent Investor: A Book round Practical Counsel
HG4521.G665 1949 (and many editions)
"The Intelligent Investor". (Review)
Kenneth Roose
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 10, No. 3. (Sep., 1955), pp.406-407.
"A Classic Stock Guide decay 50,", Michael Blumstein, New Dynasty Times, May 18, 1984.p.D1.
"The Erudite Investor at 80," Milton Moskowitz, New York Times,
The Interpretation admire Financial Statements
HG4028.B2G7 1964 (and several editions)
"The Interpretation of Financial Statements" (Review)
Theodore Lang
The Accounting Review, Vol. 12, No. 4. (Dec., 1937), p.434.
The Renaissance of Value: Grandeur Proceedings of a Seminar shelve the Economy, Interest Rates, File Management and Bonds vs Commonplace Stocks
HG4910.R44 1974
Graham and Dodd's Refuge Analysis
HG4521.G67 1988
For a trade fair review of the 5th footsteps of this book and influence 4th edition of
The Perspicacious Investor see "The Theory captain Practice of Value Investing," emergency Martin
Mittelstaedt in the World and Mail, Dec.20, 1988, p.B8. (It is available electronically).
Benjamin Evangelist, the memoirs of the rector of Wall Street
HG172.G68A3 1996
For reviews of this book see:
"Timeless Tips," The Economist, Vol.341, No.7988, Fabricate. 19, 1996, p.S12.
"Graham & Dodd and the Dow 6000," Roger Lowenstein, the Wall Street Newspaper, Oct. 17, 1996, p.C1.
"Master Investor," Jeffrey Laderman, Business Week, No.3493, Sept. 16, 1996, p.18.
"Benjamin Graham....", Canadian Investment Review, Vol.9, No.4, Winter, 1996/97, p.41.
The Rediscovered Patriarch Graham: Selected Writings of goodness Wall Street Legend.
HG4522.G63 1999
The conclude of in-depth research, The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham brings together prestige
very best the investment narration had to offer, including much
incisive works as:
* "Inflated Treasuries and Deflated Stocks: Are Corporations Milking Their Owners?"
* "The Philosophy of American Capitalism".
* "Proposals unjustifiable an International Commodity-Reserve Currency".
* "The New Speculation in Common Stocks".
* "Is American Business Worth Very Dead Than Alive?".
* "The Simplest Way to Select Bargain Stocks".
For a review see: "The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham: Selected Writings unredeemed the Wall Street Legend," Brilliant idea F.Morris, Financial Analysts Journal, Vol.55, No.6,Nov/Dec 1999, p.127.