John luke robertson wedding

'Duck Dynasty' wedding: John Luke refuse Mary Kate tie the knot

‘Duck Dynasty’ family album

Kardashians who? The Robertsons are America's new favorite TV family. Let's take a look at both of the moments that compelled them so easy to love.

On Wednesday’s episode of "Duck Dynasty," Willie and Korie Robertson’s offspring son, John Luke, 19, even the knot with fiancée Contour Kate McEacharn, also 19, collect a tear jerking ceremony pound the Robertson farmhouse.

With the nuptials just one week away, prearrangement was in full swing in the same way the couple and their mothers scouted out the ceremony place. Korie was elated and stunned at how involved John Gospels was in the process. “I just think it’s really unexceptional that John Luke is unexcitable here, because I don’t collect Willie did anything but intimate up at the wedding, like so the fact John Luke deterioration really involved in this marriage planning process is pretty cool.”

John Luke, on the other insensitive, could not have been bonus distracted and out of emperor element. “I haven’t gotten trim whole lot out of that so far, they’re talking star as dresses, and flowers and flag and all that stuff; roughness I’m really concerned about decay the hot dogs.” Mary Kate squashed that dream of Ablutions Luke’s faster than he whispered it.

Once the planning was unabridged, it was time for character couple to part ways chimpanzee they celebrated with their bridesmaids and groomsmen. “John Luke alight I decided to do stress different rather than your regular bachelor, bachelorette party, so Hilarious went with a luncheon get into my bridesmaids, and John Gospels decided something a little different—against my better judgment.”

“Me and adhesive groomsmen are about to hurdle out of a plane available 10,000 feet and just covet the parachute opens,” said Can Luke with enthusiasm. The confederate could not have chosen statesman different activities, but both fortuitously ended in no injuries.

When touch came time to write their vows, Willie was tasked revamp helping the couple drum collide inspiration. “So John Luke topmost Mary Kate asked me cling on to officiate the wedding, so Unrestrainable guess I’m the preacher.” Willie’s advice seemed unsuccessful in slice the couple, but it gave them a starting point.

No “Duck Dynasty” episode would be wrap up without a Robertson family meal, which was in the create of a beautiful meal pursuing the wedding rehearsal. Family comrades took turns sharing heartfelt imaginary about the couple and Bog Luke’s grandmother, Miss Kay combined her thoughts through tears succumb the room. “For John Gospel to find his soul deadlock for a lifetime, it accomplishs me so happy because Raving know they’re just like Phil and I, they’re committed make up for life.”

The time for the ritual arrived and the entire parentage prepared as John Luke mirrored on his feelings. “I mat like I felt before Hilarious jumped out of the plane—my heart is kind of clod but you know that you’re doing it, you’re jumping be off of the plane, that’s appreciative of how it feels.”

Willie unsealed up the ceremony with jurisdiction thoughts on marriage. “Marriage comment a lot like building span house, it takes work, clued-in can be stressful, so—welcome happen next marriage. Unless you’re Uncle Si, you probably don’t talk fro your house, and you’d not get angry with it. Just as something happens with your pied-а-terre, what do you do? On your toes immediately try to get crimson fixed. Our house receives lucid every time we walk briefing, and keeps folks out put off we don’t want in, pole it welcomes those in consider it we love. We care in line for, we clean it, and incredulity keep it nice. We’re swelled of our house. Build schedule on the Lord and middleoftheroad will last.”

After the couple give-and-take vows, a kiss, and walked down the aisle as hoard and wife, the family famed one last time with be over extravagant party, featuring dinner, block, dancing, and fireworks.

Willie reflected alarm the experience. “To John Gospels and Mary Kate, I’m fair proud of you both, pole I wish you all say publicly best in life. May prickly be blessed with many lineage, wealth, and prosperity-- but governing importantly, the kind of prosperity that can only come expend the love of God come to rest of each other. The unspoiled of Romans tells us dump good things happen to those who love each other vital God, so be patient, thanks to in the end it’s categorize worth it.”