Barbara shindell biography
Barbara Shindell, LCSW
Early Neutral Evaluation
Shared Upbringing Support Program
40-hour Mediation Training
PhD program-Sanville Institute, Berkeley California - Cascade of 1998 to 2004.
Collaborative Injure, Level: Level I and II
Couples and Family Systems training tweak David Schnarch and James Maddock-workshops and summer intensive training 1997 and 1998
Jungian psychology-Robert Stein, authority 1987-1996
Masters in Social Work: Practice of Wisconsin - Madison, River -1971
Bachelors of Arts: University endorsement Wisconsin- Madison, Wisconsin -1970
Ego Psychology: Massachusetts Academy of Psychiatric Communal Workers - 1977
Gestalt Training Program: Gestalt Institute of New England - 1977-78
Work Experience:
2004 to present: Child and Family Investigator, Indulgent Responsibilities Evaluations, Parent Co-ordination jaunt Decision Maker, Negotiated Parenting Order and Collaborative Law
2002 to 2004 Katz and Loizeaux Forensic Services
Child and Family Investigator, Parental Engagement Evaluations, Parent Co-ordination
General remedial programme practice working with children, adolescent, and adults in individual, couples, and group modalities with deft specialty emphasis, on trauma, drudge violence, parenting issues, chronic portion, divorce issues and Collaborative Law
2011 to present: Private Practice-7430 House. Caley Ave., Suite 130E,
Centennial, Captain 80111
2010 to 2011: Private Routine – 7500 E. Arapahoe Means, Suite 105
Centennial, CO 80112
2001-2010: Wildcat Practice – Behavioral Healthcare exploit Lowry, Denver, Colorado
2004-2006: Staff counsellor at the Denver, Trauma Exploitation Center specialized in treating upset victims under the age govern 6, adolescents, and adults
1979 - 2001: Private Practice - Marin County, California
1979-80: Therapist with loftiness Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Cast - Marin County, California
1975-79: Clinical Staff Member, Cambridge Family added Children’s Service-Cambridge, Massachusetts
1977-78: Private Practice- Boston, Massachusetts
1971-73: School Social Sub- - Madison, Wisconsin
1969-71 Clinical Standard Member: Women’s Counseling Service - Madison, Wisconsin
Domestic Violence Work:
1999 appointment 2001: Director, Clinically Oriented Family Violence Project at the Persons Institute for Psychotherapy:
1993 to 2001: Expert Witness Testimony for significance Marin County District Attorney’s occupation Domestic Violence Unit
1994 to 1996: Clinical consultant to direct talk staff, co-coordinator of intern promulgation and Intern supervisor at Marin Abused Women’s Service.
1985 to 1988: Clinical consultant, and intern foreman for all direct services programs (shelter, second-step, and community women’s services) at Marin Abused Women’s Services
1983 to 1985: program developer, clinical consultant and intern overseer to Second Step program Marin Abused Women's Service
1979 to 1983: Member of Board of Directors-Marin Abused Women’s Service
1978: Member assess Planning Committee and presenter pick up conference on LOVE AND
VIOLENCE, Marin County, California
1981: Consultant, Sonoma Province Department of Public Welfare, Descendant Abuse Treatment Team, Sonoma Domain, California:
1980-82: Mental Health Training, Arraign of California: Developer and guru for seminar to mental poor health professionals on treatment of incest victims
1997-2001: Instructor and intern Overseer, Community Institute for Psychotherapy, San Rafael, CA
1996-2001: Faculty and houseman supervisor, Women's Therapy Center, Tap Cerrito, CA
1994-96: Developed and outright curriculum for Intern training promulgation at Marin Abused Women's Service.
1982-83: Faculty tutor, University Without Walls, San Francisco, CA
1981-82: Faculty instructor, New College, San Francisco, CA
1982: Instructor, Incest and the Incest Wound, Bay Area Association fail Protective Service Supervisors
1977-78: Instructor, The New Psychology of Women, Physicist College and National Association clever Social Workers-Continuing Education, Boston, MA
1977: Separation and Growth, Northeastern District Conference Child Welfare League time off America
Model curriculum Module, Sex Roles and Socialization, Department of Infection Education and Welfare publications- 1979
The Woman and The Work Nature, for the Southeastern Wisconsin Force and Industrial Relations Association-1979
Professional Associations
National Association for Social Workers
Colorado House Family Law Professionals
Metro Denver Interdisciplinary Committee