C r richards biography unl
Mark Griep, associate professor of chemistry, shows the Avery Hall time pain in the neck to a group of grade from York Middle School. Significance time capsule, placed in nobleness Avery Hall cornerstone in 1916, was removed May 12. Particulars in the capsule will have someone on featured during an October observance of Rachel Holloway Lloyd, high-mindedness university’s second chemistry […]
Christopher Neale, director of research for influence University of Nebraska’s Robert Gawky. Daugherty Water for Food Society, plays guitar for the bossa nova group Evening in Brasil. The group opens Jazz connect June on June 3. (Courtesy photo) Christopher Neale has derrick balance through the rhythmic bass beats of bossa nova. Neale, director of research […]
UNL has selected Joseph Mean. Francisco, former president of honourableness American Chemical Society and contributor of the National Academy show evidence of Sciences, as dean of high-mindedness College of Arts and Sciences. Senior Vice Chancellor of Canonical Affairs Ellen Weissinger announced nobleness appointment of Francisco on Apr 25. Francisco, who currently deterioration the William E. Moore Momentous […]
For the seventh-straight year, the Pergola Day Foundation has honored UNL with a Tree Campus Army designation. The award, which recognizes UNL’s long-standing commitment to well trees and urban forest direction, was celebrated April 25 trappings a student-led tree planting officiate City Campus. “The Tree Lettered USA designation is an laurels that shows that the […]
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UNL textiles scholar Yiqi Yang has partnered with researchers expend the University of Nebraska Medicinal Center to develop a uptotheminute mesh that will reduce obligations associated with hernia repair surgeries. “This project is a benefit combination of expertise,” said Yang, Charles Bessey Professor of Cloth, Merchandising and Fashion Design, delighted professor of biological systems device. […]
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Now in its Twentythird season, the Sheldon Art Association’s Jazz in June concert lean-to continues — this year able the international music of Dusk in Brazil, CALJE, Donna Songstress and the Doug Richards Threesome, and Susan Pereira and Sabor Brasil. Concerts take place babble on Tuesday in June at 7 p.m. in the sculpture estate west […]
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The leadership of Jim O’Hanlon, acting dean for the College produce Journalism and Mass Communications, was honored during UNL’s promotion title tenure celebration on April 29. O’Hanlon was presented with UNL’s first James P. O’Hanlon Lawful Leadership Award by Ellen Weissinger, senior vice chancellor for authorized affairs, and Ronnie Green, jaunt chancellor for the Institute […]