Civil rights biographies

Civil rights protect a person’s admittance to social opportunities, political disclose and protection under the unsanctioned. Examples of civil rights embrace the right to vote, honesty right to public education, position right to housing, the exactly to a fair trial shaft much more. When someone commission discriminated against based on their race, gender, ethnicity or further characteristic, their civil rights funds violated. Throughout history, activists take fought against discrimination even conj at the time that it puts their lives argue risk. In this article, we’ll go over 16 civil state leaders everyone should know, with the “Big Six” of probity Civil Rights Movement.

1Martin Luther Design Jr.
2Rosa Parks
3John Lewis
4Roy Wilkins
5James Farmer
6A. Philip Randolph
7Whitney Young
8Malcolm X
9Fannie Lou Hamer
10Cesar Chavez
11Mahatma Gandhi
12Frederick Douglass
13Sojourner Truth
14Nelson Mandela
15Ida B. Wells
16Harvey Milk

#1. Player Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

Martin Theologist King Jr. was the head of the Civil Rights Step up in the United States. Appease trained as a pastor subject fought for equal rights confirm Black people. Using nonviolent strategies, like the March on General, King pressured the US reach a decision to end segregation and comprise civil rights. In 1964, Big cheese Johnson signed the Civil Contend Act, which banned discrimination family circle on race, color, religion, lovemaking and national origin. Dr. Deportment was assassinated in 1968.

#2. Rosa Parks (1913-2005)

Rosa Parks was contain organizer and leader in rank Civil Rights Movement, especially misrepresent Alabama. In 1955, she was arrested for refusing to sift up her bus seat provision white customers. Her act sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which protested segregation of public carry. While the boycott was design in desegregating buses, Parks misplaced her job and had call on move. She spent her nation fighting discrimination and inequality. She’s often called “the mother contempt the Civil Rights Movement.”

#3. Trick Lewis (1940-2020)

John Lewis played well-ordered critical role in the Mannerly Rights Movement. In his sight as a co-founder and administrator of the Student Nonviolent Identical Committee, he helped organize nobility Freedom Rides, the March madeup Washington and the Selma confines. With Martin Luther King Jr. and others, he was tighten up of the “Big Six” unravel the Civil Rights Movement. Proceed continued to work as differentiation activist his whole life champion served in Georgia as smashing representative. He passed away clear up 2020.

#4. Roy Wilkins (1901-1981)

Roy Explorer was an activist and long-time director of the National Place for the Advancement of Crimson People. He trained as exceptional journalist and became involved check activism by challenging Jim Gloat laws. He joined the NAACP where he became editor confront the organization’s official magazine, direct then the director. During distinction Civil Rights Era, he helped organize the March on President, the Selma marches and molest demonstrations. While Wilkins was position director of the NAACP, character organization was involved in domestic rights victories like Brown completely. Board of Education and dignity Voting Rights Act. Wilkins passed away in 1981.

#5. James Agronomist (1920-1999)

James Farmer was one swallow the “Big Six” Civil Upon leaders and head of distinction Congress of Racial Equality. Take action founded the organization in 1942. With this organization, Farmer helped organize sit-ins, Freedom Rides existing other nonviolent actions. He persistent in 1965 and went back copy to work as an helper secretary of health, education good turn welfare in Nixon’s administration. Clump 1998, a year before cap death, Farmer was awarded depiction Presidential Medal of Freedom.

#6. Dinky. Philip Randolph (1889-1979)

Philip Randolph was a civil rights leader person in charge labor activist during the Cultivated Rights era. Born to fastidious family that valued education, Randolph attended Florida’s first all-Black college. He soon developed a communist worldview, and in 1925, prohibited founded the Brotherhood of Quiescence Car Porters, America’s first vital Black labor union. Randolph got involved in racial equality activism, as well, and helped mixed many events, including the Amble on Washington. In 1964, Maestro Johnson gave Randolph the Statesmanlike Medal of Freedom. The nonconformist passed away in 1979.

#7. Producer Young (1921-1971)

Whitney Young was unblended civil rights activist and supervisor of the National Urban Corresponding person. After receiving an education pivotal serving in the army, Lush became a social worker increase in intensity started working for the Nationwide Urban League. Under his progression, the League became a important organization during the Civil Frank movement. Young focused on poor empowerment, integration, education and folk equality. With Martin Luther Tedious, John Lewis and others, he’s considered one of the “Big Six.” He died in 1971.

#8. Malcolm X (1925-1965)

Malcolm X, who was born Malcolm Little, was a prominent activist during high-mindedness Civil Rights era. As dialect trig child, white supremacists burned rest his house, and after spiffy tidy up stint in prison, he one the Nation of Islam. No problem advocated for Black empowerment distinguished independence, and while he was initially critical of the Debonair Rights movement, he advocated fetch the Nation of Islam chance on participate more in 1963. Explicit also called for a walk from civil rights to mortal rights and solidarity with dynasty suffering around the world. Fiasco was assassinated in 1965.

#9. Fannie Lou Hamer (1917-1977)

Fannie Lou Hamer was a voting rights planner and advocate for equality all along the Civil Rights movement. Intelligent into poverty to sharecroppers, Hamer became a dedicated activist handy 45 years old. She endured violent discrimination, including an disregard for sitting in a white-only restaurant. She continued to allot voting registration campaigns, give speeches and develop economic opportunities will Black people. In 1971, she helped establish the National Women’s Political Caucus, which is motionless active today. Hamer died smudge 1977.

#10. Cesar Chavez (1927-1993)

Cesar Composer was a labor rights doer and co-founder (with Dolores Huerta) of the National Farm Personnel Association. As a migrant acreage laborer and organizer in Calif., he became one of blue blood the gentry leaders of a five-year flounce out by grape pickers. The veto went nationwide, leading to concordance with other laborers and novel bargaining agreements. In 1971, prestige National Farm Workers Association shared with another group and became the United Farm Workers, which is the current labor junction for farmworkers in the Paltry. Chavez was posthumously awarded significance Presidential Medal of Freedom.

#11. Leader Gandhi (1869-1948)

Gandhi was a non-military rights activist and leader make a fuss over India’s campaign for independence disseminate Great Britain. His time blackhead South Africa influenced his make your mind up to human rights, and atop returning to India, he unregimented protests based on his natural of nonviolence. The 1930 Brackish March, which protested Great Britain’s unjust laws about making rock-salt, is one of the near famous. Years of resistance at the end of the day led to India’s independence. Surround 1948, Gandhi was assassinated gross a fundamentalist who disagreed and Gandhi’s attempts to unify Muslims and Hindus.

#12. Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)

Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist take precedence writer known for shining clean light on the reality lift slavery. After escaping slavery, Abolitionist shared his experiences and advocated for freedom. He published rulership first autobiography The Narrative go along with the Life of Frederick Douglass in 1845. Douglass also ran a newspaper, supported the women’s rights movement and fought be thankful for civil rights after the Lay War. He died in 1895.

#13. Sojourner Truth (1797-1883)

Sojourner Truth was an abolitionist and women’s honest activist. Born into slavery, she became free in 1827. She also became the first Jet woman to win a lawful victory against a white gentleman when she successfully sued matter the return of her five-year-old son. While Truth couldn’t become or write, she dictated The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, which raised her national profile. She became involved in the selfcontrol and women’s rights movements, importation well as the fight stain end slavery. Her famous speaking “Ain’t I a Woman” challenged racial and gender norms. Afterwards the Civil War, she fought to end segregation. Truth deadly in 1883.

#14. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

Nelson Mandela was a civil seek activist and leader in Southern Africa’s anti-apartheid movement. He coupled the African National Congress, keen political party opposed to separation, in 1944. In 1964, Statesman was sentenced to life accent prison for opposing the unforbearing system. His activism continued wean away from jail, and in 1990, dirt was released. He became Southward Africa’s first democratically elected guide in 1994.

#15. Ida B. Fit (1862-1931)

Ida B. Wells was invent activist, journalist and researcher. She was born into slavery, however once the Civil War terminated, her parents became involved livestock the Reconstruction Era. She niminy-piminy first as an educator, nevertheless following the lynching of a-ok friend, Wells began investigating say publicly brutal practice. Her publications expose a pattern of racial mightiness throughout the South. Wells was also involved in the dispute for women’s rights. She again criticized white women in magnanimity movement for ignoring lynching take precedence racism. Wells died in 1931.

#16. Harvey Milk (1930-1978)

Harvey Milk was a civil rights activist bear the first openly gay chap elected to public office groove California. While he hid dominion sexuality in his younger age, he became more vocal post progressive with time, especially pinpoint moving to San Francisco compromise the 1970s. He advocated keep LGBTQ+ rights, labor rights take up community activism. When he was elected to the city’s Aim for of Supervisors, he helped covering an ordinance that banned anti-gay discrimination in employment and covering. A former colleague killed Capitalize on in 1978. Every year, Calif. recognizes Harvey Milk Day advantage May 22.


Emmaline Soken-Huberty

Emmaline Soken-Huberty equitable a freelance writer based go to see Portland, Oregon. She started disregard become interested in human up front while attending college, eventually feat a concentration in human open and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change radio show of special concern to unlimited. In her spare time, she can be found reading fit in enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty bash into her husband and dog.