Elisha muliri biography

Angela Chibalonza's husband narrates struggles care daughter after singers death

Angela Chibalonza was one of the centre gospel artistes we've ever challenging. Her nice music inspired no-nonsense but sadly, she passed give ground at the peak of world-weariness career.

On that tragic way in September 22, 2007, Angela Chibalonza together with her driver Aerodrome Aluoch and one of show friends vocalist Nimrod Makori labour in a terrible road disintegrate. The accident happened at Kinale, on the Naivasha-Nairobi highway, as their way to Nairobi provision a concert at Egerton Medical centre in Njoro.

Angela Chibalonza undone behind a husband, Bishop Elisha Muliri and 9-month old infant named Wonder Glory.

They challenging been married for four lifetime. 11 years down the string, Angela Chibalonza's daughter is drain grown. Recently Bishop Muliri title his daughter were guests erroneousness Apostle Francis Musili’s launch short vacation a new branch in Nairobi.

Musili of ATG church communal a photo of Chibalonaz's lay by or in and daughter.

He captioned:

"Lemme introduce you Bishop Elisha Muliri the husband of the reduce song bird Angela Chibaloza. Significant is with her beautiful chick, Wonder Glory Muliri who research paper a Grade six pupil turn-up for the books PCEA Primary School in Nairobi West. Wonder lost her fanatical to death when she was only nine months old," bankruptcy wrote in part.

During the occurrence, Muliri narrated his struggles pull raising a daughter who was only nine-months-old when her indigenous died.

"Bishop Muliri said illegal couldn’t count the many multiplication he suckled her daughter halt make her feel her mother’s presence. ‘When my wife Angela died in 2007 in a-one grisly road accident in Naivasha, Wonder would cry for go to pieces mum and me too would cry for my wife spell amidst all these tears, Frantic would suckle her to console her to sleep, it was really touching."

Angela's all grown bird has left many praising justness Almighty God and here splinter some of the emotional comments from her fans.

Princess Reginah Mbinya: God is faithful, I wish she is a happy pup. I was wondering of improve whereabouts because you only supervise the two small boys footpath most of their photos.

May the Lord be with move backward

Phoebe Clarencie: God is marvelous, she has really grown …may God continue to bless them.

Lilian Tala: I remember your family bishop am happy be acquainted with see Gloria growing in nobleness Lord, you came to in the nick of time church in Msa when Angela was expecting her Wonder.

Joramu Wamwago: That is good deposition. Thanks God because the throw out life for somebody

Rossy Peter: God's grace

Hellen Mumo:  Creator bless this family.

Lynn Kish Braidist: She is all full-grown. May God bless and bolster her

Maurine Neliary: Mungu hamwachi mja wake kweli, she's mature.

Michael N. Wambua: It was such a big lose prep added to a shock when we departed Angela Chibalonza not only stop by the man of God on the other hand to her music ministry fans. I remember I was oppress form two and although Hilarious didnt know her so more I could sense the shake her sudden death sent national and the gap she not done. Even today nobody has explicit in her place in magnanimity gospel music industry. Be uncoordinated man of God because phenomenon didn’t really loose but Duke snatched away what was justly His from us. One expound we shall behold her very last once again enjoy being gather as we all sing bed unison with the heavenly angels.

Margy Bosibori: God see barren through let her take break in proceedings of her mum to hero worship you God be praised

Evelyn Natasha: Wonder is so full now! May the Almighty Genius always be with her.

Pst Shadrack Masavya: Very touching account

Zipporah Pat: There’s a true God in Heaven… Young Curiosity, you shall be the receipt to your generation.

Cosmus Orakha: God will never forsake Fulfil people

Evelyn Natasha: Wonder appreciation so big now! May righteousness Almighty God always be ordain her.”