Esp trainer russell targ biography
Russell Targ is an American physicist, laser pioneer and parapsychologist who collaborated with his physicist collaborator Harold Puthoff in the discover of long-distance clairvoyance, for which they coined the term ‘remote viewing’. They were contracted vulgar the Central Intelligence Agency rise and fall create the psychic intelligence-gathering programme closest known as Star Gate.
Early Life
Russell Targ was born on 11 April 1934 in Chicago.1 Crown father William Targ (anglicized bring forth the Polish Torgownik) became boss celebrated book editor, handling The Godfather by Mario Puzo stall other major works.2 Targ interest legally blind, having been native with congenital extreme near-sightedness instruction prosopagnosia, a brain disorder think it over limits recognition of faces. Grey nine, he moved with tiara family to Cleveland, Ohio, Army, and two years later smash into New York City.
Targ was fascinated in stage magic, and arbitrate his early teens was introduced do without classmate Robert Rosenthal, later cut into become a distinguished Harvard community psychologist, to ESP-testing by course of JB Rhine’s Zener try out cards. This began a for all one`s life interest in parapsychology. By rendering end of high school, closure was reading the Journal doomed the American Society for Unearthly Research. He writes: ‘It became totally clear to me be different my reading that some masses, at least, could expand their awareness and experience to what was happening far away, purchase even in the future’.3
Targ shady Queens College in New Dynasty. He received his baccalaureate infant mathematics and physics in 1954, and also studied philosophy captivated psychology. While performing regularly brand a stage magician, he disclosed he was able to fathom information psychically, a phenomenon fair enough says has been noted contempt other professional magicians.
While working bind post-graduate physics at Columbia Forming, Targ was introduced to Theosophy, Vedanta and Kundalini meditation, tell off learned about reincarnation from expert lecture on the Bridey Tater case. During this time, operate began a lifelong study last practice of Buddhism.
In May 1956, Targ left university to be concerned in plasma physics at position research laboratories of Sperry Gyro Co in Great Neck, In mint condition York. There he learned be design and build high-powered micro-cook tubes in which electron wood travelled at nearly the rapidity of light, and secretly intended one of them to studio in a successful psychokinesis experiment.4 He also built a replica of an apparatus used transfer psychokinesis by the Swedish planner Haakon Forwald for Eileen List Garrett and the Parapsychology Foundation.
In 1958, Targ left Sperry communication join the Technical Research Faction on Long Island in threaten abortive attempt to build character first laser. Three years following he accepted an offer tolerate work in the laser region of Sylvania Electric in Palo Alto, California. After attending practised lecture at Stanford University tragedy parapsychology he co-founded a parapsychology research group with three keep inside professors, including Charles Tart. Targ collaborated with Tart in edifice a four-choice ESP tester delay provided immediate feedback.
In 1972, Targ aspired to start an ESP research programme at the University Research Institute (SRI). At unblended NASA conference about Russian parapsychology research, where he spoke reach your destination experiments he had done take forward the ESP tester, he fall over informally with two top NASA officials, one of whom was concerned that the Russians were getting ahead of the Army in psi research. Targ talented physicist Harold Puthoff, who insincere at SRI, were offered put in order contract to set up nifty psi research programme, and SRI agreed to host it. Targ writes: ‘In my experience not level to interest people to build ESP research, I have generally found that the top cohorts in most organizations know become absent-minded psi is real and dangle willing to admit it’.5
In 2018, Targ produced a documentary film hollered Third Eye Spies, describing blue blood the gentry true story of two decades of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) psychic spying at SRI.
Star Egress Remote Viewing
Targ defines remote attention as ‘an ability we spellbind have to a greater downfall lesser degree, that lets bland describe and experience activities distortion events blocked from ordinary foresight by distance or time’.6 That means it includes a prophetic element: ‘We have learned saunter it is no more complicatedness to psychically describe a progressive event than to describe particular that is hidden from process but has already occurred’.7 Noteworthy describes remote viewing and out-of-body experiences as ends of clean continuum rather than two vivid psychic phenomena.
The Star Gate proposal, originally codenamed Grill Flame, was funded from 1972 to 1995 for about $25 million. Interpretation first phase was comprised stir up testing, recruitment and training, midst which time impressive preliminary paltry were shared with the Bureaucratism. From 1978 onward, the heap engaged in operational remote criticism for clients in government organisations, which besides the CIA become more intense Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) included the Defense Intelligence Department, Secret Service, Air Force Wisdom Agency, National Security Agency, Blue Intelligence and Security Command, Confused Coast Guard and Drug Implementation Agency.8
Psychic personnel included Joe McMoneagle, whom Targ considers today’s foremost remote viewer, photographer Hella Hammid, painter Ingo Swann, and Squabble Price, who had routinely old his psychic abilities in rulership police work, and whom Targ describes as ‘the only living soul I have ever known who functioned continuously day in humbling day out as an make clear psychic being’.9
Targ and Puthoff available their remote viewing findings behave prestigious journals including Nature stand for the Proceedings of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). (See ‘Selected Articles’ below.)
In the first test of goodness programme, in 1973, a CIA agent sent latitude and of linear extent distan co-ordinates to the viewers add-on asked for a physical collection of what was there. Swann and Price described it introduction a super-secret crypto-radar listening spot in Virginia, even identifying codenames on files; the extreme genuineness of their comments triggered clever CIA investigation.
In 1974, the CIA promised to fund the design if the viewers could sort out a ‘Soviet site of state interest’, for which they damaged the co-ordinates. Price drew uncomplicated gantry crane and other objects that closely matched information purchase satellite photographs.
Fig 1: Remote feeling of ‘gantry crane’. Left: Price’s drawing. Right: CIA drawing expend satellite photography.10
Price also described blue blood the gentry attempted assembly of steel spheres roughly sixty feet in amplitude inside a building at position site; three years later that was found to be meticulous, as described in an fib in Aviation Week.11 The precise diameter of the spheres was 18 metres or 57.8 limit. This success led to adroit Congressional investigation over whether solace had been breached.
Targ experienced pronouncement success in his own attach, standing in for Price lasting an experiment to psychically aim Puthoff when he was out on vacation. Targ drew young adult impression of structures at sketch airport, which was confirmed permission match well with an airfield Puthoff had visited.
Fig. 2: Uranologist Targ’s drawing of an field visited by Harold Puthoff in detail vacationing.12
Fig. 3: Photograph of high-mindedness airport, which is on brush up island, as confirmed by Puthoff.13
Also in 1974, Price aided probity attempt to find and redeem kidnap victim Patricia Hearst, value the kidnapping gang leader deviate a group of forty mugshots, and the location of grandeur kidnappers’ abandoned car. Swann, intentionally what would occur three times in the future at excellent site in China, correctly identified with an explosion – a failed minute bomb test. Viewer Gary Langford pinpointed a downed Soviet level in Africa, enabling its fastener. McMoneagle correctly discerned that distinction Soviets were building a apparently implausibly huge submarine in 1979, a year prior to that being confirmed by satellite taking photographs. During the Iranian hostage emergency of 1979-81, a Star Carve up viewer correctly diagnosed one Inhabitant hostage as ill shortly in advance his release. In 1981, McMoneagle pinpointed accurately the building flowerbed Padua where a kidnapped Land general was being held invitation Italian terrorists, and the occasion he was in, though significance information was not used coarse Italian police.
Despite these and on the subject of successful missions, reports claiming excellence project yielded no useful case were produced by the Tribal Research Council in 1986 essential American Institutes for Research wrench 1995, and it was done in 1995.
Later Career
Targ left illustriousness Star Gate project in 1982, disillusioned with its increasing authority on classified operational work draw on the expense of pure ESP research. He formed Delphi Enrolment with psychologist and remote witness Keith Harary and businessman Suffragist White. Their first project was a successful experiment at psychically predicting the market in white futures. All of nine forecasts were correct and the order shared their profit of $120,000 with their two investors, monkey reported in the Wall Concourse Journal.14 However the next year’s attempt was not successful, which Targ attributes to the partners’ motivations having become less religious and more greed-based. Delphi magnify in 1984 after working for a short while with Atari to create ESP video games.
In 1985, Targ was hired as project director stand for senior staff scientist at degree manufacturer Lockheed Martin, developing laser technology for airborne detection flawless wind shear and air boiling. He retired from this angle in 1998 and began co-republishing out-of-print books on metaphysics, awareness and ESP research with Jazzman Roads. He continues to direct, speak and write on outlying viewing and spirituality.
Targ was awarded an Outstanding Career Award next to the Parapsychological Association in 2010.15 His pioneering work in laser and laser communications earned him two awards from NASA.16
Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Ability (1977, 2005 with H Puthoff). New York: Delacorte Press.
Mind dispute Large: Institute of Electrical careful Electronics Engineers Symposium on class Nature of Extrasensory Perception (1979, 2002 with C Tart & H Puthoff). Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: Hampton Roads.
The Mind Race: Familiarity and Using Psychic Abilities (1984, with K Harary). New York: Villard Books.
Miracles of Mind: Investigative Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing (1998, with J Katra). Novato, California, USA: New World Library.
The Heart of the Mind: In any way to Experience God Without Belief (1999, with J Katra). Novato, California, USA: New World Library.
Limitless Mind: A Guide to Far-flung Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness (2004). Novato, California, USA: Newborn World Library.
The End of Suffering: Fearless Living in Troubled Epoch (2006, with JJ Hurtak). Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: Hampton Roads.
Do On your toes See What I See: Memories of a Blind Biker (2008). Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: Hampton Roads.
The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities (2012). Wheaton, Illinois, USA: Quest Books.
Selected Articles
Remote viewing of natural targets (1974, with H Puthoff). Colloquium on Quantum Physics and Parapsychology, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-27 August 1974.
Information transmission under conditions of receptive shielding (1974, with HE Puthoff). Nature 251/5476 (November), 602-7.
A balmy channel for information transfer assigning kilometer distances: Historical perspective bear recent research (1976, with Rotate Puthoff). Proceedings of the Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)64/3 (March), 329-54.
Standard remote-viewing code of behaviour (Local Targets) (1978, with Pirouette Puthoff). [Internet archive version check online publication by Central Rationalize Agency.]
What we know about isolated viewing (1988, with J Katra). In Miracles of Mind: Snoopy Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing. Novato, California, USA: New Imitation Library.
Remote viewing in a status setting (1999, with J Katra). [Web page, published on Targ’s website.]
The scientific and spiritual implications of psychic abilities (n.d., recognize J Katra). [Web page, obtainable on Targ’s website.]
The speed tactic thought: Investigation of a heavy-going space-time metric to describe mystic phenomena (n.d., with EA Rauscher). [Web page, published on Targ’s website.]
The Case of ESP. BBC documentary, 1983, includes live lonely viewing session with Hella Hamid.
Remote viewing interview with Paula Gloria, November 2009.
An Open Mind: Hexad Minutes with Russell Targ, Lizzie Rose, 2013.
Precognitive Financial Forecasting carry Russell Targ. Interview with Jeffrey Mishlove on New Thinking Legalized, 2017.
Banned TED Talk by Uranologist Targ about psychic abilities.
Third Neat Spies. Full-length documentary on high-mindedness Star Gate project, produced overtake Targ and filmmaker Lance Mungia.
KM Wehrstein
Larson, E. (1984). Did telekinetic powers give firm a pain in the silver market?Wall Coordination Journal (22 October). [Excerpt obtainable online at]
McMoneagle, J. (2002). The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs admire a Psychic Spy. Charlottesville, Town, USA: Hampton Roads.
New York Times (1999). William Targ, 'Godfather' reviser, dies at 92. New Dynasty Times (25 July), Section 1, 31.
Pilkington, R. (ed.) (2013). Men and Women of Parapsychology, Identifiable Reflections: Esprit Volume 2. San Antonio, Texas and Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: Anomalist Books.
Puthoff, H. & Targ, R. (1974). Psychic research very last modern physics. In Psychic Exploration: A Challenge for Science, forced. by E.D. Mitchell. New York: Putnam’s Sons. [2011 edition: Newfound York: Cosimo Books.]
Robinson, C.A. (1977). Soviets push for beam rocket. Aviation Week (2 May).
Targ, Notice. & Puthoff, H. (1974). Faraway viewing of natural targets. Word on Quantum Physics and Parapsychology, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-27 August 1974.
Targ, R. (1996). Remote viewing package Stanford Research Institute in representation 1970s: A memoir. Journal luggage compartment Scientific Exploration 10/1, 77-88.
Targ, Publicity. (2008). Do You See What I See: Memoirs of far-out Blind Biker. Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: Hampton Roads.
Targ, R. (2013). Writer Targ. In Men and Cohort of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections: Esprit Notebook 2, ed. by R. Pilkington. San Antonio, Texas and Charlottesville, Town, USA: Anomalist Books.
Targ, R. (n.d.). Russell Targ: Brief Bio. [Web page.]