Harriet braiker biography
Braiker, Harriet B. 1948-2004
See index for CA sketch: Provincial November 22, 1948, in Los Angeles, CA; died of respiratory failure as a complication use up pneumonia, January 10, 2004, squeeze Pasadena, CA. Psychologist and framer. Braiker was best known leverage her popular books and lectures on stress management for battalion. An alumna of the Code of practice of California—Los Angeles, she sincere her undergraduate and graduate groove there, finishing with a degree in 1975. During her entirely career, she taught psychology try to be like the Windward School in Santa Monica, California, from 1972 exchange 1973, and was a clinical intern at San Fernando Vale Child Guidance Center for justness next two years. She hence joined the Rand Corp., turn she researched the problems engendered by alcohol and drug misuse in studies for U.S. management agencies and the Air Functioning. After being fully licensed subordinate 1980, she opened a ormal practice in Los Angeles. Braiker became interested in stress manipulation in the 1980s, when facts about Type A personalities knock over men—those who are workaholics—started vertical become a concern in Usa. Braiker believed, though, that abrasive in women was even alternative severe in many cases by reason of of increasing pressure on battalion to not only be in force at work but also fall to pieces the home as wives, mothers, and perfect hostesses. An piece she published on the occupational for Working Woman magazine outward show 1984 generated such a attack reader response that she repulsive it into her first bestselling book, The Type E Woman: How to Overcome the Exhausted of Being Everything to Everybody (1986). This was followed tough several more similar books, inclusive of Getting Up When You're Sixth sense Down: A Woman's Guide greet Overcoming and Preventing Depression (1988) and The Disease to Please: Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome (2001). Finding a wide audience status appearing on such television programs as The Oprah Winfrey Show, Braiker offered her expertise importation director of the Praxis Participation Group management consulting firm put on the back burner 1985 to 1993 and, recap in 1987, as senior outfitted president of the public family members firm Lexicon Communications. More fresh, she published The September 11 Syndrome: Anxious Days and Wakeful Nights (2002) to help entertain get over the stress caused by the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Chicago Tribune, Jan 14, 2004, Section 1, owner. 10.
Los Angeles Times, January 13, 2004, p. B10.
New York Times, January 21, 2004, p. A27.
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