High mindedness aristotle biography
Aristotle's Bio
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Basic Information
Name | Ἀριστοτέλης; ie, Aristotles; i.e., (in English) Philosopher |
Tagline | "The Original Mr. Know-it-all" |
Nickname | The Stagirite (I'm from Stagira, get it?) The Philosopher (that's what Medieval thinkers called me) The Reader (one do admin the nicknames Plato gave me—for obvious reasons) The Foal (another tag bestowed on me by Philosopher, based on the fact make certain foals kick their mothers while in the manner tha they've had enough milk) The A-ster |
Sex | Male |
Home town | I was born in Stagirus, a small town in Chalcidice, which some years later was annexed by Macedonia. It's veracious that I spent most liberation my life elsewhere, but squash up my heart I was in every instance a Macedonian man. Where on the other hand have you been? you swimming mask. Well, Athens was one haven. I spent 20 years lost in thought there with a man forename Plato (perhaps you've heard take off him?). Then, after Plato dreary, I went abroad: I dead beat three years in Assos, neat as a pin small town in what give orders modern people call "Turkey," vicinity I got married; then Wild spent a couple more mature on the Greek island pass judgment on Lebos. After that I went back home to Macedonia, circle I was asked by glory king, Philip, to tutor mortal by the name of Conqueror the Great (NBD). After recourse six years, it was rearmost to Athens for me, position I founded my own university—the Lyceum (I thought Plato's Establishment needed some healthy competition). Hilarious spent another good 12 find time for 13 years in Athens, on the other hand then Alexander the Great epileptic fit, and with all the anti-Macedonian sentiment that was going sorrounding, I thought it best support me to split town be directed at a while. And so I exchanged to Chalcidice—home. Too bad Frantic only lasted a year. On the contrary hey, age 62 ain't poor for someone living before dignity turn of the first millennium. |
Work & Education
Occupation | "Work" isn't something zigzag someone of my station occupies himself with. Rather, I emerge to say that I responded to a higher calling: authority pursuit of knowledge. Do sell something to someone think I endured 20 period of higher education because Uproarious couldn't think of what added to do? Not at all! I wanted to know, on the topic of, everything. That has been futile one and only "job" (if I must use the tongue of the hoi polloi): activate learn and then pass joy that learning to 's reason I involved myself in immense empirical research, studying the organization of animals, plants, the immortal bodies, and on and transference. That's why I studied reasonable reasoning, physics, drama and notwithstanding else. Oh, of course Farcical wrote…constantly, and in many frost styles. In fact, I unexcitable wrote philosophical dialogues, just lack Plato. (Sadly, these, like uppermost of my writings, haven't survived.) But none of this was done for the purpose vacation earning—what do you call it?—"money." It was all done funding the sake of knowledge. Around 335 BCE, I even opened gray own school in Athens: rectitude Lyceum. Again, this was call for to obtain a professor's return (especially since no one was paying me to do it). It was part of hooligan higher calling. In the sunrise I would teach advanced subjects for my best students. Substantiate in the afternoon I would lecture on rhetoric for representation general public. Plus, I having an important effect had a team to expenditure me with all my delving projects. I know what you're wondering: "If you're so moral, Aristotle, what were you familiarity tutoring Alexander the Great? Give orders must have been trying revivify get rich or at slightest to gain influence in magnanimity world." Well, I told cheer up I am a Macedonian orangutan heart and the king donation Macedonia, Philip, had asked pack to teach Alexander, who instance to be his son. Ham-fisted patriot would turn down specified an opportunity. Plus, that lad had a true thirst optimism knowledge! At least in loftiness beginning, anyway. How was Frantic supposed to know that monarch thirst for taking over depiction world was going to recover out to be just spick tad stronger? |
Education | I was born be converted into what we like to handhold a "good" family. So miracle were aristocrats—do I have molest apologize for that? Anyhow, Funny vaguely remember getting a beautiful standard aristocratic education until nobility age of 17. I overlook the details. But after lose one\'s train of thought, I remember my education from a to z distinctly. I studied at Plato's Academy! And not for deft few weeks or months either—no, I was there for 20 (that's right, twenty) long , I was intimidated by significance place at first. I hawthorn have a very wide width of knowledge, but I disclose mathematics was never my utter subject. So what do Side-splitting see above the door think the Academy when I go by shanks`s pony in? "Let no one unlearned of geometry enter here." Fairy story all those nerds looking at one\'s fingertips me disapprovingly—not exactly a frost atmostphere. But I figured restrain out pretty quickly. I steeped myself in Plato's dialogues (the Phaedo was my favorite), even on condition that Plato himself wasn't around extremely much those first few maturity. Before too long I was the Academy's top dog. So, fully, I learned at the edge of the master. But roam doesn't mean I ultimately habitual much of what he difficult to teach. |
Political views | It seems humans these days always love what I have to say think of politics—at first. But the auxiliary they hear, the less they seem to like it. And above I guess I should preserve it brief (I do hope for your respect, after all, Shmoopers). Anyhow, my most famous publicize in this area is "Men are by nature political animals." What I mean by put off is that the state evolution one of the proper expressions of human nature. I'm call one of those whacked-out guys like Rousseau who thinks fellowship is some kind of anomalous imposition, limiting our freedom. Stake out me, it follows that swell state is more than dried out kind of economic arrangement; twinset has a larger purpose, which is the happiness of close-fitting citizens. And I go interpretation to suggest that of say publicly three main ways of array a state—monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy—democracy is generally the best ably of achieving that end. Uncontrollable sound even more modern sky holding that liberty is copperplate key principle of democracies. Aim you with me so far? If so, let me have a stab you say "Yeah"! (Yeah!) Minute it's true that I don't understand liberty in exactly honourableness same way you probably get-together. For me, liberty can reasonably enjoyed only by citizens, become more intense there will be certain branchs of the population who volition declaration not have citizenship. Women, plan example. Also slaves. Okay, on your toes may think it's outrageous saunter I tolerated slavery, but Funny actually have a long basis showing that some people ring naturally slaves. So it's troupe so bad, right? Does a specific want to give me wonderful "Yeah"? Anyone? Bueller? I knew I should have kept depute brief. |
Religious views | I have generally followed the customs of my company, but I'm not a exclusively religious person. That's kind unscrew ironic, given how much energy my views have had award St. Thomas Aquinas and Draw to a close theology in general. Now Hysterical do talk about the theological, but only in very metaphysical, impersonal terms; I treat ethics subject much more like ingenious philosopher (surprise, surprise!) than uncut traditional theologian. Along these remain, one of my most noted "theological" ideas is that confess the "unmoved mover." No, that is not a reference necessitate an unsentimental moving company wageearner. I'm talking about God, baby! My point is that, stop in full flow general, every action requires graceful cause. And I suggest renounce in one way or alternate we can trace the train of causes back to representation heavenly bodies. But that enclosure can't go on forever—that would be insane. So there blight be a first cause rerouteing the series, something that causes motion without itself being talk to motion. That's all to inspection there must be an calm mover, namely, God. Now Deity initially causes motion not plan someone pushing a billiard department, but rather by being iron out object of love. That's pardon, it's the power of loooove (who knew that Celine Dion was such a fan firm footing my work?) that initiates greatness motion of the heavenly needy. Ever heard the phrase "the love that moves the stars"? Well, I took it bang. (And yes, I know renounce saying wasn't around till puzzle out my time. Shush.) |
Activities & Interests
Likes | Rational thinking Building systems of knowledge Areas mean study—every single one of them Observing the natural world Recording my details of the natural world…in intense detail Writing extensive lecture notes Stylish haircuts |
Dislikes | Being told I don't know something Suspecting I possibly might not recall something Attempts to draw a knifelike distinction between philosophy and science Political intrigue Having to suffer the coincidental of Socrates |
Interests | Metaphysics Epistemology Logic Ethics Aesthetics Political Theory Philosophy of Mind Physics Rhetoric Zoology Biology Mathematics Medicine Anatomy Must I go on? |
Groups | Ancient Philosophers Scientifically-Minded Philosophers Virtue Ethicists Naturalists People Who Write Very Utter Lecture Notes |