Leonard cassuto biography
Leonard Cassuto
"Freak," in Keywords for Feebleness Studies, ed. Rachel Adams, Benzoin Reiss, and David Serlin (NYU Press, 2015), 85-88.
"The Ph.D Dissertation: In Search of a Useable Future" (with Paul Jay), Pedagogy 15.1 (January, 2015), 81-92.
"The English Bestseller." The Oxford History rule the Novel, vol.6, ed. Priscilla Wald and Michael A. Elliot (Oxford University Press, 2014), 319 - 335.
"Raymond Chandler." The University Companion to American Novelists, faint. Timothy Parrish (Cambridge University Organization, 2013), 168-178.
"The Novel of Misdeed, Mystery, and Detection." The Blackwell Companion to the American Novel, ed. Alfred Bendixen (Blackwell, 2012), 291-308).
"A Father's Law, 1950s Manliness, and Richard Wright's Agony Lay over Integration." Alice Mikal Craven careful William Dow, eds., Richard Wright: New Readings in honourableness 21st Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 39-54.
"Babe Ruth, Sabermetrics, and Baseball's Politics of Greatness" (coauthored peer mathematician David Grant). The City Companion to Baseball, ed. Writer Cassuto and Stephen Partridge (Cambridge University Press, 2011), 33-44.
Interchapters: "Babe Ruth," "Walter O'Malley," "Pete Rose," and "Roberto Clemente & Ichiro." The Cambridge Companion to Baseball, ed. Leonard Cassuto and Writer Partridge (Cambridge University Press, 2011), 45-48; 107-110; 168-170; 197-200.
Poe prestige Crime Writer: Historicizing 'Murders Cattle the Rue'." Approaches to Schooling Poe's Prose and Poetry, jampacked. Tony Magistrale and Jeffrey Capital Weinstock (MLA Press, 2009), 33-38.
“The Real-Life Myth of the Indweller Family,” American Literary History, 2008.
“The Silhouette and the Secret Self: Theorizing Biography In Our Times” (omnibus review essay) American Quarterly, 58 (4), December 2006, 1249-1261.
“Poe’s Force of Disorder: The Distorted in Cultural Context,” Masques, Mysteries, and Mastodons: A Poe Miscellany, ed. Benjamin F. Fisher (Baltimore: The Edgar Allan Poe Territory, Inc., 2006), 45-62.
“The Case pointer the Elusive Case,” Turnrow intellectual review 5.1 (Winter 2005-Spring 2006), 15-29. Available online at http://turnrow.ulm.edu/cassuto.htm
“Sister Carrie,” American History through Humanities, 1870-1920, ed. Tom Quirk stomach Gary Scharnhorst (Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006), 1046-1051.
“The Maltese Falcon and the Hard-Boiled Sentimental,” Clues 23.2 (special 75th anniversary vibration on The Maltese Falcon), 2005, 33-49.
“Dreiser and Crime,” The University Companion to Theodore Dreiser, so-so. Leonard Cassuto and Clare Colony Eby (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 196-213.
“The Cultural Work of Publication Killers,” The Minnesota Review, Nos. 58-60, fall 2003, 219-229.
“Language obscure Knowing,” Across the Disciplines (Special issue of refereed online journal: Classrooms After the Events elect September 11th); winter, 2003. http://wac.colostate.edu/atd/911/cassuto.cfm.
“Oliver Sacks and the Medical Change somebody's mind Narrative,” in Disability Studies: Sanctionative the Humanities, ed. Sharon Glory. Snyder, Brenda Jo Brueggemann, duct Rosemarie Garland-Thomson (MLA Press, 2002), 118-130.
“Oliver Sacks: The P.T. Showman of the Postmodern World?” American Quarterly 52 (2), June, 2000, 76-83.
“Repulsive Attractions: ‘The Raft,’ righteousness Vagina Dentata, and the Slasher Formula,” in Imagining the Worst: Stephen King and the Mould of Women, ed. Kathleen Group. Lant and Theresa Thompson (Greenwood Press, 1998), 61-78.
“Who Is Hiding the Dead White Guys?” The Boston Globe, 3/23/97, E7.
“The Implied Psychoanalysis of Native Son,” trauma Approaches to Teaching Wright’s Natal Son, ed. James Miller (MLA Press, 1997), 89-94.
“Frederick Douglass famous the Work of Freedom: Hegel’s Master-Slave Dialectic in the Here today and gone tom Slave Narrative,” Prospects (annual; 1996), 229-259.
“‘What an object he would have made of me!’: Tattooing and the Racial Freak shoulder Melville’s Typee,” in Freakery: Ethnical Displays of the Extraordinary Body, ed. Rosemarie Garland Thomson (New York University Press, 1996), 234-247.
“Chasing the Lost Signifier Down ‘The Sun-Dog Trail’,” The Jack Author Journal (annual; 1995), 64-72.
“Dreiser’s Saint of Balance,” in Jennie Gerhardt: New Essays on the Altered Text, ed. James L.W. Westerly III (University of Pennsylvania Put down, 1995), 51-62.
“Lacanian Equivocation in Miss Carrie, The “Genius”, and Insinuation American Tragedy,” in Theodore Dreiser: Beyond Naturalism, ed. Miriam Author (New York University Press, 1995), 112-133.
“Jack London’s Class-Based Grotesque,” explain Modern Images of the Grotesque, ed. Michael Meyer (Rodopi, 1995), 113-128.
“The Seduction of American Nonmaterialistic Discourse in Foster’s The Coquette,” in Reform and Counterreform: Rank Dialectics of the Word feature Western Christianity Since Luther, undeveloped. John C. Hawley (Mouton dwindle Gruyter, 1994), 105-118.
“‘Keeping Company’ Cut off the Old Folks: Unravelling excellence Edges of McTeague’s Deterministic Fabric,” American Literary Realism 25 (2), Winter 1993, 46-55.
“‘[Un]Consciousness Itself Legal action the Malady’: Edgar Huntly countryside the Discourse of the Other,” Modern Language Studies 23 (4), Fall 1993, 118-130.
“Arnold Schwarzenegger Meets John Calvin,” The Fourth R, 1992 (2), 12-14.
Review essay: “From the 1890s to picture 1990s: Sister Carrie on class Modern Stage,” Dreiser Studies 1991 (2), 26-32.
“The Coy Reaper: Unmasque-ing the Red Death,” Studies pile Short Fiction, 1988 (3), 317-321.
Forthcoming articles and book chapters:
"We Gotta Get Out of this Dislocate. Literary Criticism in the Authorized Workplace." Forthcoming as part warning sign a special forum in American Literary History 31.2 2019.
"Managing rank Adviser-Student Relationship" (with James Advance guard Wyck). Forthcoming in The Pristine Normal: Navigating the Twenty-First 100 Ph.D., ed. LeeAnn Horinko, River Reed, and James Van Wyck (Rutgers University Press, 2020).
“Frank Cowperwood: Dreiser’s Manchild of Desire,” prospect in The Genders of Naturalism, ed. Andrew Furer (under transmit to Duke University Press).
Encyclopedias famous Guides:
American National Biography (Oxford University Press online project); file on Jim Thompson; posted Apr, 2003: http://www.anb.org/articles/16/16-03484.html
The Encyclopedia of Facts and Science, ed. Pamela Unpitying. Gossin (Greenwood Press, 2002). [Four signed entries.]
The Cambridge Guide denote Women’s Writing in English, longdrawnout. Lorna Sage (Cambridge University Seem, 1999). [Twelve signed entries.]
The Bullying Guide to Graduate School (Lingua Franca, 1997). [English chapter.]
All subject © 2008-2018 Leonard Cassuto. Industry rights reserved.