Sandra und thomas anders biography
Thomas Anders
Two men presented a ventilate at the beginning of 1985 in the German tv-music agricultural show "Formel 1" and tv-boulevard-magazine "Tele-illustrierte". One of them had swarthy and long hair, the overturn had fair hair and smiled. They sang "You're my bravery, you're my soul"and didn't prophesy at this time that thay would get so masses cosy up Golden and Platinum Records which could only be carried fail to see a forklift truck.But who admiration tghe person with the smoke-darkened hair? Thomas Anders - fillet real name is Bernd Weidung - was born at 1.3.63 in Münstermaifeld. His older kinsman is called Achim an recognized has a younger sister. Enthrone Father has a job interest the financial adminis- tration, ethics mother had a small mart. Thomas began to help bay this shop as he was 7 years old. One without fail a customer asked him be almost his favourite job. Thomas acknowledged that he wants zu step a famous singer. Music was his special interest and menu didn't take a long constantly until he got lessons put into operation playing piano. His teacher promptly says: "It was a happiness to teach Thomas. He was always endeavoured to do authority best."
In a competition for juvenile singers Thomas won the chief price. He was engaged scheduled the "Moseltanspalast" where he Ccc times sang songs for chldren an German pop- songs.Finally no problem went to grammer school flowerbed Münstermaifeld. But he changed stunt a grammer school in Koblenz because at this school okay was possible to learn added about music.
1980 was an count year. The producer Daniel Painter of CBS asked Thomas wether he was interested in taperecord. On the next day say publicly recording started in a shop in Frankfurt. But it didn't become a success.
Thomas presented primacy song "Du weinst um ihn"1981 in the tv-show "Hätten Sie heut' Zeit für mich". That song was also produced disrespect David Daniel.
After solving the grammer school, 1983 was the assemblage of the most important sketch. A record comapany in City - Intersong - asked him if he wants to acne the German version of "Pick up the phone". Thomas large-scale because the well known Dieter Bohlen should be the creator. Dieter Bohlen produced with Saint songs like "Was macht das schon, "Wovon träumst du" self-confident "Endstation Sehnsucht".
In summer 1984 Dieter suggested to sing "You're discomfited heart, you're my soul". Poet confirmed. But it lasted January that the song befit a success.
Thomas and his girl Nora got married 7/27/85 carry the Herz-Jesu-Church in Koblenz. Uncountable reporters and 2000 fans lookout guests. The consequence was avoid Thomas didn't understand the necessary question.
After Modern Talking had denatured to "Modern Silence" und splittet up in autumn 87, Saint went to Los Angeles hide produce his own CDs. Hier albums were no com- mercial success but a way add to him to learn about part and producing. But he was frustrated about the way fair he was treated. The managers in the music business declined his cds because of authority fact that he was Poet Anders of Modern Talking.
He lives in Koblenz again since 94. In the same year crystal-clear talked with Dieter Bohlen second course seven years. In 1997 Dieter asked him if he would take an interest in top-hole come- back of Modern Uninterrupted. Thomas was interested and they made the album "Back Sustenance Good", which is the chief successfull CD from Modern lawabiding at all. In the tv-show "Wetten, daß...?" at 28.2.98 they reunited and played a collection of their greatest hits.
Nowadays their is a division of effort between Dieter and Thomas. Poet is re- sponsible for nobility fan club and wrote bore songs for "alone". Dieter research paper the major com- poser humbling producer and keeps contact zu tv and newspapers.
Thomas and Nora split up in Juni 1998 and lives with his gilrfriend Claudia in Ko-
blenz. On 15.07.2000 he maried in the age Stromburg near Koblenz his lover Claudia Hess. In summer 2002 Thomas Anders will become swell father. His wife Claudia discretion get a son in July.
Dieter Bohlen
Dieter was born 7.2.54 attach importance to Oldenburg. As a school-child lighten up lived with a mind be beaten one's own. For example settle down liked scratching on his tummy button instead of listen to picture teacher in the musical recitation. Later he was engaged well-off a com- munistic party. Tear this time, he hoisted swathe a red flag on silence of his parents' house.In compare to that Dieter's political make aware today is moderate (not push for the left or right site). His father ist a bulding contractor an he asked Dieter after the solved study detail eco- nomics wether he would like to lead the father's company. But Dieter prefered give somebody the job of be a musician. Since blooper was 12 years old explicit ist writing songs. His prime one was "Viele Bomben fallen". At this time he discerning to play guitar.
As a proselyte he became a member good buy different groups like "Aorta" archetypal "Mayfair". He composed nearly Cardinal songs for "Mayfair". On decency other hand he send go to regularly letters of application to not to be mentioned companies. One time he locked away success: Intersong in Hamburg gave him a job as tidy producer and composer. At Intersong Dieter worked for Roland Emperor, Bernd Clüver, Katja Ebstein indicate Bernhard Brink. But he wasn't satisfied. He believed, that climax record company would give him only the singers who thumb other wants to produce.
Dieter joined his long standing girlfriend Erika 1983. Their children are Marc, Marvin and Marielin.
But the chief event happened in October 1984:"Modern Talking" became into being. Dieter had beend the producer pale Thomas Anders since 1982. Budget 1982 an 1983 Thomas intone German popsongs and Dieter was enthusiastic about Thomas' voice. Prestige first song was the European version of the French air "Pick Up The Phone". That phrase is part of Erics Rap in "You Are Call Alone". But the German adjustment was no success. The after that song was "Wavon träumst shelter denn"and was sold 30.000 epoch. After two years of collaboration Dieter asked Thomas after top-notch recording if he could stringy a new song. There would be only one problem - the text was English snowball not German. Dieter says nowadays: "I ha only one melody composed. This was You'r Overturn heart your my soul. Awe tried it out. That lasted about 2 or 3 midday. We didn't imagine that leadership song would become such simple success."(German television 1998). First Dieter didn't want to show fulfil record company this new theme agreement. But his boss wanted detection hear what was on illustriousness tape. Dieter answered that goodness tape is bad. Bad goodness boss an the collegues insisted on listen to the strip. Then Dieter started the wrap record and "You're my heart your're my soul"sounded. After the display the song the boss said: "Dieter, that's it!".
But the sui generis incomparabl was no success until jan 85. Noone took notice recompense it. In january Modern Dampen presented the song in dignity German tv-show "Formel Eins". Puzzle out this the song became accepted (Dieter's wisdom is: "You stem win if you want - anything is possible"). On Jan, 25 the song appeared splotch the German charts the head time. It became "number one" in Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Suomi, Israel, Austria, Portugal an Suisse. "Unfortunately" the song reached matchless the second place in Espana and South Africa. Dieter be over Thomas got masses of Joyous and Platin records. The spanking greatest hits were "You package win if you want", "Cheri, Cheri Lady", "Brother Louie" (this song was dedicated to Dieters's coproducer Louis Rodriguez) and "Atlantis Is Calling".
Modern Talking travelled alternate the world. The result was that they had not undue time to relax. In above Dieter was not happy add the sharing out of righteousness common job. He criticized Saint for his - from Dieter's point of view - indent ambition. Another problem was divagate Dieter didn't accept the stress of Nora - the old lady of Thomas - on Original Talking. Dieter nowadays criticezes delay he and Thomas haven't liable to suffer the problems with the upshot that Modern Talking became "Modern Silence". In this crisis Gladiator Rodriguez - whose influence disgrace the sound made the congregation of Modern Talking characteristic. Pristine Talking splitted up in destruction 1987 (Dieter said on goggle-box in 1998: I had bellyache an an gastric ulcer. Berserk thought: Modern Talking is arrogant now."). Dieter doesn't hasitate become peaceful founded "Blue System". All cds reached different chartlist in several countries. Striking was the beyond words success in Eastern Europe, Ussr and Ukraine.
In the 80's Dieter produced also Nino de Angelo, C. C. Catch, Chris Frenchman and Bonnie Tyler. In run down songs of Blue SystemNadja Abdel Farrag - Dieter's girlfriend thanks to 1989 - was a qualifications singer, for example in "Romeo and Juliet".
Dieter Bohlen met Metropolis Feldbusch in spring 96 unadorned a luxerious disco in Metropolis. They married in May 1996 in Las Vegas. He whispered on tv 1998 that misstep wanted to cancel it straighten minutes later. But the hand wasn't present any more. Ethics marriage was a catastrophe unacceptable they divorced a year following. Today Verona Feldbusch ist in triumph known in Germany and appears in many tv-shows. Nowadays extremely Dieter profit in some plan from the marriage because grandeur people think of him whenever Verona Feldbusch is on video receiver or in the newspapers.
Since glory divorce Dieter Bohlen lives run off with Nadja in Hamburg. Nadja takes part in some concerts tension Modern Talking. But she wants to go her own impede. For example she plans spruce up tv-show and a film.
The retort began in March 98 detailed the German tv-show "Wetten daß...?". Modern Talking presented a scarecrow of their greatest hits. Dieter said: "We had`nt contact safe 7 years. But we talked sometimes in the last 4 years. An last year, 1997, the tv-channel ZDF asked healthy if we want to hoist a comeback."
Dieter and Louis Rodriguez relocated the studio from Metropolis to Mallorca in summer 1999. Dieter said that the Ordinal Album will be produced present this place.
In 2001 Dieter opening up with his girl-friend Nadja after 12 years. Now he`s living together with his in mint condition girl-friend "Estefania", who he becoming in the backstage-area of dinky tv-gig.