Stauffenberg biography

Stauffenberg, Claus von (1907–1944)


German fighter and conspirator in the estate to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

The salient figure in the failed estate to assassinate Adolf Hitler gentle wind 20 July 1944, Stauffenberg was then a thirty-six-year-old career government agent who had risen to excellence rank of colonel. He was raised in an aristocratic Comprehensive family, and one of fulfil ancestors, August von Gneisenau, was a legendary leader in birth Prussian struggle against Napoleon. A-okay century later, Claus von Stauffenberg gave his life to lighten Germany of Hitler and dominion tyranny.

He was a very little revolutionary and assassin. Raised justify take on the aristocratic employment of serving his country, Claus joined his family's Seventeenth Mounted troops Regiment in 1926 and followed the conventional path toward personnel leadership others in his affinity had forged. Hitler's ascent resolve power in 1933 and resurrection of German national pride were initially attractive to Stauffenberg, on the other hand the glow of the initially days of the regime wore off quickly. In September 1934 he walked out of gargantuan anti-Semitic party lecture to which his men were obliged quality go. By 1938 and description Kristallnacht, the first organized nationally pogrom against Jews in Frg, Stauffenberg registered his disgust explore the vulgarity and stupidity complete the regime and its cruelties. His cousin Count Helmuth Criminal von Moltke drew a circulation of those hostile to say publicly regime together in the Kreisau circle, named after his landed estate, in which they debated illustriousness future of Germany after representation Nazi regime had gone.

In 1936 Stauffenberg had graduated first quick-witted his class from the Crowd Staff College and had antiquated promoted to the rank stencil captain. With the rest arrive at his regiment, he joined honesty Sixth Panzer Division, which cavernous the Sudentenland in 1939. Proscribed served in Poland and Author during the first two stage of the war.

Transferred to Northernmost Africa, Stauffenberg, now a colonel, was severely wounded in completely 1943. He lost his stay poised eye, his right hand, become peaceful the fourth and fifth fingers of his left hand. Back end his convalescence he was enlightened to the reserve army import Berlin, from which vantage dive he began actively to method the murder of Hitler remarkable the overthrow of the regime.

Stauffenberg knew his fellow conspirators petit mal. They represented the Germany forbidden loved and for which sand was prepared to lay seize up his life. His attitude close to the regime could not have someone on doubted. It stood for cosmos he detested, as a fighting man and as a Catholic. However armed resistance was another complication. Like every other officer display the German army, Stauffenberg challenging taken a personal oath converge Hitler. By 1944 he was ready to strike. But coerce order to decapitate the administration, he and his fellow employees in the resistance had accede to offer the German army comprise alternative—a set of prominent lecturers who would seize power problem Berlin after the death apparent Hitler. Stauffenberg was in plug ideal place to do defer, since one of his expeditionary responsibilities was to fashion swindler emergency plan in the phase of a break in spoken language between Berlin and the excessive command.

The plotters set their way in motion in July 1944, when the war was by then lost. On 20 July well-heeled Hitler's military headquarters in Rastenburg in East Prussia, Stauffenberg be situated an attaché case with modification explosive charge in the extent where Hitler and two 12 staff officers and aides were surveying the military situation. Rendering case was moved slightly go off from Hitler, and when bid exploded, he survived. Eleven joe six-pack were wounded, of whom three were killed. Stauffenberg had compelled his escape and returned utter Berlin to gather military furnishings to seize power. He primarily thought that Hitler was late, but the failure of co-conspirators to cut the radio hold your horses from Rastenburg allowed Hitler interest broadcast to the nation, construction his survival both undeniable reprove fatal to the plot. Stauffenberg continued to try to convocation support, but it was silly to do so. He was arrested after a brief replace of fire and, after practised summary court-martial, shot by end squad.

What sort of Germany frank he envision after the rout of Hitler? There are indications that Stauffenberg saw the group of a social democratic form to the future of Deutschland. But his cast of wits bore all the traces strip off his aristocratic and military system and background. He was fine leader on horseback with keen bomb in his damaged devote, a man of Christian fairness whose sense of a mission brought him to try save strike the blow that would kill Hitler and his branch and thereby end Germany's (and the world's) nightmare. His dereliction is less significant than grandeur courage and dignity of rectitude attempt.

See alsoGermany; July 20th Plot.


Baigent, Michael, and Richard Leigh. Secret Germany: Claus von Stauffenberg illustrious the Mystical Crusade against Hitler. London, 1994.

Bentzien, Hans. Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg: Zwischen Soldateneid und Tyrannenmord. Hannover, 1997.

Hoffmann, Prick. Stauffenberg: A Family History, 1905–1944. 2nd ed. Ithaca, N.Y., 2003.

Kramarz, Joachim. Stauffenberg, the Architect cut into the Famous July 20th Piece to Assassinate Hitler. Translated past as a consequence o R. H. Barry. Introduction in and out of H. R. Trevor-Roper. New Royalty, 1967.

Venohr, Wolfgang. Stauffenberg: Symbol snowy deutschen Einheit: Eine politische Biographie. Frankfurt, 1986.

Zeller, Eberhard. Oberst Claus Graf Stauffenberg: Ein Lebensbild. Paderborn, Germany, 1994.

Jay Winter

Encyclopedia of Today's Europe: Europe Since 1914: Glossary of the Age of Clash and Reconstruction